are your paths organized/straight or natural/curvy?

curvy or straight?

  • curvy

  • straight

  • both

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i use a mix of custom and default pathing - only in the upper tiers of my island is there any custom paths. The PathTM is my path of choice usualy bc it fits really well with the woodsy theme i have :) but in the lower tiers of my isalnd i use a mix of both of the dirt paths and the stone ones!!
My paths are all broken up as polka dots and music notes, because I personally don't like the look of the straight paths. I'd have to change everything on my island to make the whole thing straight and quarter and just... Too organized.
Only a small portion of my island is being used for buildings now, so I've set-up any pathing to be straight as everything is bunched together. I love using curvy one-tile paths being in mountainous/forest areas though. Feels more adventurous. :love:
I like both. I want one of these so bad for the nature area of my island but I'm out of custom slots and I can't think of 16 designs I don't need 🥺


Why cruel fate? 😭
I have mostly straight paths right now, partly cause they're easier to use and partly cause half of my island is more urban themed with roads and neighborhoods so straight paths make more sense. The other half of my island is more of a forest / natural area and I've tried to make my straight paths there there more curved and winding to some degree. I'd like to find a way to make them look more natural in the future but I'm happy how they are for now!
most of mine are natural and curvy, but i have a few city streets at the back of my island that are very straight.
My curvy paths now have very straight edges/corners after the snow fell on the island. I'm not sure I like that too much, but I still wouldn't know how to make my island look good with straight paths everywhere... 🤔
Mostly straight on the first level. The second level and third will most likely be more stepping stones and winding though.
I've always been a traditional, straight brick path kind of person. I prefer suburban styles to natural ones, at least when I'm the one designing.
It's hard to make them look decent. They are so fake with the angles.

I miss my natural NL dirt paths.

My island always looks like I'm plot resetting with these awful paths. :(
Pretty much all of my paths are straight. I currently only have on bridge that's angled and a small section of a path that's a wide diagonal. I don't know how to make winding paths without them looking awkward.
Straight. I'm kind of taking a break on custom paths; pixel art makes me angry. 😫

Maybe I'll make some curvy designs but idk.
Straight. I've aimed to create the feel of old Gameboy titles on my island, and if you're old enough to have owned one then you'll know how straight paths feed into that!
Oh, now I want to see your town sooooo bad!