Hey! I've been wanting a cool signature for a while and I think yours look great. If you could do one for me, that would be so awesome.
Background URL:
http://static.tumblr.com/66eb132a5b...blr_static_tumblr_mkkuhby7wc1r5syyvo1_500.gif or
http://media.giphy.com/media/kounMr0dqrZe0/giphy-facebook_s.jpg (preferably)
Animated/ non-animated: animated
Curved border y/n: yes
Font (include number and name if one of mine):21. Nickelodeon
Main Color: Teal
Town name: Ananas
Mayor name: Mar
Timezone (optional): X
Town Fruit (optional): X
FC/DC (optional): 0060-9878-6011 (only if it fits)
Dreamies or current villagers: Bones, Walker, Benjamin, Butch, Shep, Cookie, Goldie, Daisy, Portia, Skye
Dreamies obtained: Bones, Benjamin, Butch, Cookie, Portia, Skye
Symbol for obtained(for dreamies only): orange
*If using current villagers, will you be updating them in the future?: I'm using dreamies
Total amount of bells: I think 55, but if I'm wrong, please correct me