Ask a stupid question get an even stupider answer

Because i pissed on the moon so hard, it got out of orbit, and it will never block the sun again.

Why do people like to jump off cliffs?
because they want to see weather they live or not.....

why do my knees bump together when I do jumping jacks?
because your to stupid to tie your shoes

Why did you just loose the game?
because 8 would get jealous.

Why can't asoidfjhasdsafjhgrekyukloppqoovcbxzNweifueowfqewj be a word?
because if they did they would have to lick it up......(cat's don't sweat?! lol)

Why does cat rhyme with rat? If they like eat each other, and stuff?

(WTF?!?!?!?! xD stupid......yesh~)
Because the underpants wouldn't match your shirt.

Why do energy nuts insist that wind and solar energy would offer hope for America when both are inclined to offer a negative energy output?