Balam Ajaw
Senior Member
Oh, thanks. I'm so bad with dates like this. This is the third time that I have a scheduled visit, and the first two times I came late :/
Does using the bug net or fishing rod on the island count towards the badges? What about tours? I thought they did, but it's taking me forever to get the gold badge for using the net, and I do most of my insect catching on the island at night or during tours.
Weeding question!
I'm pretty sure that weeding in dream towns won't count towards your weeding badge, but if I were to pull out weeds in another friend's actual town, would that count towards my badge? I rarely ever get weeds due to Beautiful Town Ordinance being on and I'd rather not turn it off and potentially lose my hybrids or deal with watering them for long enough to get a weeding badge.
Weeding question!
I'm pretty sure that weeding in dream towns won't count towards your weeding badge, but if I were to pull out weeds in another friend's actual town, would that count towards my badge? I rarely ever get weeds due to Beautiful Town Ordinance being on and I'd rather not turn it off and potentially lose my hybrids or deal with watering them for long enough to get a weeding badge.
Yes it does count, say, if yougo to someone's cycling town.
That's how i got my gold badge in weeding c: some of my friends helped me & let me weed in their cycling town xD. Good luck & have fun <3
A villager has a birthday! How do I get some birthday cake to eat?
I'm pretty sure this has been asked before, but I don't want to search the past 50 pages of the thread to find it.
After a 10th villager moves out, what is the minimum amount of time I have until another villager will want to move in? I need to protect my hybrids.
Hi! That's the sweets minitable. You can buy it from Gracie in the fall. ^^Hello. Not sure if this is where I ask this.
There's a table I saw in someone's house that looked like a giant flan.
What is that item called?
Hi! That's the sweets minitable. You can buy it from Gracie in the fall. ^^
If you are at 9 villagers after the 10th moves out, there will be no random move-ins. The only way a villager will move in when you have 9 is if you invite one from your campsite or another person's town or if you get them from someone else's void. If you get a move-in that way, then that villager will plot the next day. Otherwise, another villager has to move out before another moves in. So basically, if you make sure that anyone you visit with has a cleared void, you have nothing to worry about until another villager moves out.
Thanks. But does that include people who I street pass? I know I've gotten animals from towns that I've street passed with, and it's not something I can really control without turning street pass off. None the less, this isn't a huge issue anymore, because I moved my rarer hybrids to the beach, but I'm still curious.
Good to know there won't be any random move ins at least though.
If I have a custom pattern and I bring it to Cyrus to use as furniture, will the furniture change if I change the pattern I'm holding?
What if I use it as wallpaper/flooring? Will it change if I change the pattern?
I know paths change.