Ask AC:NL Questions here! (Please read before posting here or making a new thread!)

Can you adopt someone while there is a villager in boxes and you have a total of 10 villagers? So 10 villagers, one of them in boxes.
Can you adopt someone while there is a villager in boxes and you have a total of 10 villagers? So 10 villagers, one of them in boxes.

No you can't. You can't invite anyone unless you have 9 or less. Goes for other town invites and campsite.
I gifted a really nice shirt to one of my villagers and he displayed it instead of wearing it, so I re-sent him some of the ones he'd given me before as gifts so that he'd maybe rotate between them. Now he's wearing some random shirt and I've reported to Isabelle multiple times but he's still wearing it and won't wear any others. :mad: It's not even his default one. What can I do?
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Reporting only works if they're wearing custom designs. You can talk to them while holding the shirt, but it's rare that they'll put it right on (and if not, it ends up in their houses). You can send them 5+ copies in the mail at the same time and they will probably put it on, but they'll put one or two in their houses.
Hi there! I have a question about spacing! So, it the Xs represent bushes and the 0s represent a house placement, would this work? I know houses need a 5 by 5 space, but could the buffer space between the house and the bush be next to each other? Thank you so much for any help!

When planning a town, how much care should I take to avoid repeating personalities? The characters I like most tend to be lazies and snooties but I don't want to end up having the same conversations over and over again.

Reporting only works if they're wearing custom designs. You can talk to them while holding the shirt, but it's rare that they'll put it right on (and if not, it ends up in their houses). You can send them 5+ copies in the mail at the same time and they will probably put it on, but they'll put one or two in their houses.

I've spammed this character with clothes so he'd take a hint but he's just swapped it away and put the rest on display at his house. Oh well, I'm starting to take a liking to his current outfit since he seems to like it so much.

By the way, can we buy custom-print clothing to give to our villagers?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I've been having connection problems on AC:NL.
I can connect to other towns just fine but when someone tries to connect to my town, we will both DC. I wonder if anyone had found a solution to this? I called nintendo a few times but they never really helped out.
I'm changing my 3DS Clock and the In-Game Clock of AC:NL isn't being chaned or affected in any way... is there a reason for this?
Quick question, just to be sure - no one will move out when I'm at 8 villagers, right?

And a follow-up on that, if I have 8 villagers, hypothetically, if I time-travel a couple months ahead, will no one move?
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I'm changing my 3DS Clock and the In-Game Clock of AC:NL isn't being chaned or affected in any way... is there a reason for this?

I think this is because the in-game clock is independent from the 3DS clock, so people can adjust the game hours to fit their schedules better. If you want to change the date on your game you don't have to change the 3DS clock. In the start screen when Isabelle is welcoming you, say there's something you need help with first and there'll be an option to change the time and date for your town.

Quick question, just to be sure - no one will move out when I'm at 8 villagers, right?

And a follow-up on that, if I have 8 villagers, hypothetically, if I time-travel a couple months ahead, will no one move?

I don't think they'll offer to move if you have only 8. If you TT months ahead, I don't know if nobody will move, since technically TTing could mean the two missing villagers showing up (at least, the last time I TTed ahead I got two new villagers in one go).
Will turnips rot if you buy them at a friends town (which is already sunday), and it's still saturday in your own town?
They will rot when your game ticks over to Sunday. You need to find a town to sell them in before that happens. (90% sure, never tried it).
Do island tours count towards badges? Like if you went on a fishing tour would it count towards your fishing rod use?
Everything I've read says no on the fishing tours. If you catch fish on a non-fishing tour, it will count.
Is there some sort of restriction on which clothes which villagers can wear? For example, can all villagers wear shirts or will some of them only wear dresses or tunics?
They can only wear shirts. Literally tanks, but if you send them a shirt or tee, they will wear them sleeveless. Even the sheep wear shirts as a scarf.