how about a pear?
want 10k tbt?
2007 bc black eyed peas
- - - Post Merge - - -
Yes please!
third question: which collectibles and who shall be the winners?
fourth question: ugliest villager?
fifth question: WHY DID YOU TRICK ME BRO
BTW,I think u should change the name after this post gets some popularity,since its a thread with another title,may be closed by admin.
( when you come here thinking you're gonna get a free collectible and realize you've been duped )
this is why you should never trust the basement, y'all should know better :l
6: Favorite Pokemon?
dont b silly you know my security code!Who are you?
favorite snack?
Want some tbt?
why is ur name jacob?
do you go by jake?
I would buy more bc I am loaded w tbtwhat would happen if all of your popsicles and collectibles poofed away?...... FOREVER
just if u wanna ;Dif you wanna what?
Super Mario Maker or AC:HHD + New 3ds
I don't remember saying that...but I don't break promises.