[ask] jacob

third question: which collectibles and who shall be the winners?

fourth question: ugliest villager?

fifth question: WHY DID YOU TRICK ME BRO

1. already sending riummi a pear so

2. that frog girl w the lipstick

3. bc its FUNNY

- - - Post Merge - - -

BTW,I think u should change the name after this post gets some popularity,since its a thread with another title,may be closed by admin.

yeh i will in a sec xD
( when you come here thinking you're gonna get a free collectible and realize you've been duped )

this is why you should never trust the basement, y'all should know better :l

6: Favorite Pokemon?
Yo can I borrow 1k bells?
Just kidding I meant to send 10 tbt
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