Bus Thanker
Combusken Lvl. 17Good Job!
That's really fast
What's your team so far?
Ralts Lvl. 14
Beldum (Shiny) Lvl. 16
Combusken Lvl. 17Good Job!
That's really fast
What's your team so far?
Gallade.I forgot to get ralts..
What are you going to turn ralts into?
I don't know where the Galladeite or whatever it's called is.Is it going to be a Mega?
Sneaking around and sneaking up on Pok?mon with the DexNav.Oh
What do you like about the game so far?
Lol.Reading your posts....Is killing me.....I don't have the game yet....
Everything except it's very easy, I was expecting it to be a little harder.So...
Is Omega Ruby everything you expected?
I don't know, I usually don't compare the difficulties of games.It seems the newer the Pokemon game...
The easier it is..
Am I right?
It's from an anime called Noucome (Best romantic comedy anime ever in my opinion.). One of the missions was to make one of his friends cry, (I forgot which one) and he decided to shoot her... with a gun full of onion extract. (He ends up shooting himself with it.)Why is your avatar hold a glock?
Emerald.What was your first pokemon game?
No, it's still in Emerald. I do have a Rayaqauaza in Y, but that's from a trade.Did you catch the Rayquaza and transfer it to X/Y?