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I went to see Katrina, and the tent said "today's advising hours are over". What does that mean? O_O I've never gotten that before. I tried going back a few hours and it still says that??
I now have QR Machine and have saved some new design on the internet
The problem is now I don't know what I should do to have it created into a new cloth?Can someone tell me how
Hello, I'm completely new to the game - I only got it five days ago or so. I played WW maaaany years ago and forgot most about AC, or so it seems.

I have read about the reset trick to get villagers to move into better positions when they move in today and just tried it when my new villager reserved his spot today (I don't have a full town yet, obviously). Sadly, I hadn't heard about it before and I have several villagers in pretty poor places now. So I searched this forum and found some information about "voiding villagers" and TTing to "cycle villagers out". I'm not sure what exactly this "voiding" and "cycling" is, but would it be helpful to me? Could someone explain it? Te search function didn't really help since they seem to be very common phrases here.

When it comes to TTing to get villagers out somehow, is that possible without advancing everything else in the game? I would really like to enjoy the experience of my town growing slowly (despite being rather frustrated about not having various things like the gardening center and the dream suit yet. I'm impatient, urrrgh) and don't want to ruin that for me.

I'd be grateful for a bit of help. I'm sorry if my English is bad, it's not my native language. I play the English version of the game though because I want to learn English better, so I hopefully should be able to understand things .
Hello, I'm completely new to the game - I only got it five days ago or so. I played WW maaaany years ago and forgot most about AC, or so it seems.

I have read about the reset trick to get villagers to move into better positions when they move in today and just tried it when my new villager reserved his spot today (I don't have a full town yet, obviously). Sadly, I hadn't heard about it before and I have several villagers in pretty poor places now. So I searched this forum and found some information about "voiding villagers" and TTing to "cycle villagers out". I'm not sure what exactly this "voiding" and "cycling" is, but would it be helpful to me? Could someone explain it? Te search function didn't really help since they seem to be very common phrases here.

When it comes to TTing to get villagers out somehow, is that possible without advancing everything else in the game? I would really like to enjoy the experience of my town growing slowly (despite being rather frustrated about not having various things like the gardening center and the dream suit yet. I'm impatient, urrrgh) and don't want to ruin that for me.

I'd be grateful for a bit of help. I'm sorry if my English is bad, it's not my native language. I play the English version of the game though because I want to learn English better, so I hopefully should be able to understand things .

"Voiding" basically means your villagers leaving your town and being thrown into almost a pool of other villagers which have left your town and have yet to move to a new one (i.e. a friend's town/someone who visited your town/streetpass). When a villager has left your town, for example, say Rasher leaves your town, you need to have 16 other villagers leave your town before you can ever have the chance of getting Rasher back. It's unlikely you'd get that exact same Rasher back but it means you could get Rasher #2 from the campsite, for example. This is known as "cycling".

Unfortunately, TTing to get villagers out will mean having to advance in the game. You can TT backwards and no matter how many days you TT back it will only ever count as one day. I'm not totally sure on how TTing backwards works, like whether you could get rid of a villager from TTing backwards one day at a time but I'd say it'd definitely be a lot easier TTing forwards.

I hope this helps in some way!
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Does anyone know when the afternoon tea set will be re-released? And if it will be available in EU? I really want it but considering it sells for 1mil+ now I can't afford it OTL
Does anyone know when the afternoon tea set will be re-released? And if it will be available in EU? I really want it but considering it sells for 1mil+ now I can't afford it OTL

I am not sure what regions this applies to, but this is a pic of the dates of some upcoming spotpass items.
I got it from the actual Nintendo website here. You just click the first box about the Animal Crossing items on the page. :)
I am not sure what regions this applies to, but this is a pic of the dates of some upcoming spotpass items.
I got it from the actual Nintendo website here. You just click the first box about the Animal Crossing items on the page. :)

Thanks! Seems it's NA only. Oh well, I'd better pay up...
Thank you for making my thread sticky, how often does Gracie appear in my town? & how do I deal with her? (It will take time to order clothes and I don't even know if she will ask for what I've ordered?)
She will appear randomly four times--more if you fail one of her checks (you get more than one chance to pass when she's there). You have to pass four checks for her to open a store. You won't know the theme until she shows up, and then you need to either order clothes or come here and ask for someone to help you with clothes. I like to try to check for her before 5pm so I can order clothes and have them delivered that day. Unfortunately, I've been stuck with TIY for THREE MONTHS. I've never failed a check, but she takes her sweet time. I'm waiting for her fourth and (hopefully) final visit to my town square.

And, of course, if you have clothes that fit her theme, you're good without ordering anything! Just covering all the bases.
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Just wondering, is there any difference between villagers that moved to your town from another town and villagers that moved to your town the "normal" way? Thanks. :/
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Just wondering, is there any difference between villagers that moved to your town from another town and villagers that moved to your town the "normal" way? Thanks. :/

Villagers that move from another town will occasionally talk about their past town, may be wearing a design from that town, carry letters from that town, or have a different catchphrase/greeting. Their house interior may also be slightly changed around.
But, if they say something offensive that you don't like, just talk to Isabelle about them and she'll reset them to their starting phrases.
Could somebody explain to me what's the max number of villagers in your town? I'm a bit confused because i know max number is 9 but i read that you can have 10 if the last one moved in from another town? Can the 10th villager come from the campside too?
Could somebody explain to me what's the max number of villagers in your town? I'm a bit confused because i know max number is 9 but i read that you can have 10 if the last one moved in from another town? Can the 10th villager come from the campside too?

10th Villager can be from the campsite, asked move in or a random wi-fi move in c:
I was wondering, since me and my brother will be getting AC:NL on christmas, when i start my town will the event be there... Or will it be winter? Im worried it might glitch or sometig.
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