Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

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Wait.. Marine suits are 40? o_O GAH it's going to take forever to save up for my stripes one :(

For 40 medals, I don't think that would take more than a handful of mini-games, even low star rating ones, which is what you have access to at first.

I'm close to 2500 medals, so as far as I know, there is no limit or it is a limit that very few will ever reach.

There would have to be some sort of limit, 9999 & 99,999 are likely amounts.
I'm close to 2500 medals, so as far as I know, there is no limit or it is a limit that very few will ever reach.

Damn. I only have around 500. All i do now is go to the island, check for silver axes, and then leave if they don't have it. :/
Damn. I only have around 500. All i do now is go to the island, check for silver axes, and then leave if they don't have it. :/

Omg same! I only play the games if I really want something. I want bushes as well so cause they are only 5bells I get lots if I see them. I probably should play more just in case but I'm not in a hurry :)
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Is the gender dialogue between characters still different?

I know that in old games they had some differences if your character was male or female.
how does fertiliser actually work? because even tho linandko did a video i still dont really understand
I think it helps with crossbreeding flowers and getting trees to grow 'delicious fruit'. Also, does anyone know if you could play games with animals in igloos/tents like in the gamecube version?
oops i meant what do you do to make it work like do you plant it near the tree/hybrids?
@Fame yeah dig it right next to trees and flowers ^^

Apparently you can play rock, paper, scissors with campers/igloo residents c:
I think it helps with crossbreeding flowers and getting trees to grow 'delicious fruit'. Also, does anyone know if you could play games with animals in igloos/tents like in the gamecube version?
I've seen animals play games in igloos (tents during Spring through Fall) if you have the campsite set up in your town. Not entirely sure if the igloos can appear elsewhere like how they did in the Gamecube version.

oops i meant what do you do to make it work like do you plant it near the tree/hybrids?
I believe that's how it works, yeah.

/ninja'd by Loveichu :p
what is this?


Like I know its something like an electronic recording device like a thermometer but idk
That was the word I was looking for, but I'll see what others have to say, thanks
If you have the guide book please answer. Is there a list of clothing impression in the guide book?

I know in the Japanese guide books LinandKo were using they did look up what impressions clothing had. If America gets a guide book that's as high caliber to have all that information I'll be happily surprised. I read on the old Prima Animal Crossing guide reviews that it was a terrible guide, and that's the same company putting out a New Leaf guide. :(
Yeah if the new leaf guide is anything like the city folk guide, all the clothing stats you'll get are the season it's sold it, its buy and sell price, and if you can get it from the able sisters or gracie grace.
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