I saw that you can't sit in the mayor's chair on your first day. Does this mean you can't complete your mayor points (percentage) until day 2?
When and how do you unlock the Happy Room Showcase thing?
The wig that's sold by Gracie that looks like your hair is tied in a bow on the top of your head, where do you get it? Obviously Gracie but does she run a furniture store like in City Folk still? If so, do you have to unlock it in the Main Street or do you have to pay for the store to be built?
The wig that's sold by Gracie that looks like your hair is tied in a bow on the top of your head, where do you get it? Obviously Gracie but does she run a furniture store like in City Folk still? If so, do you have to unlock it in the Main Street or do you have to pay for the store to be built?
There's an image floating around tumblr somewhere but I can't seem to find it now.Which snow pattern belongs to which grass pattern? (e.g. round grass -> star snow)
Is it possible to avoid getting a tan when going to the island?
If that's not possible, does the tan wear off? If so, how long does it usually take before it completely goes away?
If you are wearing a headgear of some sort you don't get a tan but if you stay out in the sun for too long you'll start to slowly tan.
It'll only occur when there is no clouds in the sky, so you don't get tans when the weather has cloudy skies.
It generally wears off within a week. You won't notice it until you enter a house or building and the longer you're out in the sun the darker the tan.
... so yes, you can get tans at the island and at your village if you're not wearing any hats and the sky is clear.
Ok, good to hear. I plan to go to the island a lot to earn bells, and I'd rather not tan very much when I'm there, so in that case I'll just wear a hat whenever I go.
Or, just go at night. More lucrative fishing and big catching at that time, too.
It's unlocked from the start. All you have to do is talk to Digsby to visit the plaza, though it's quite empty without some Streetpasses.
I saw that you can't sit in the mayor's chair on your first day. Does this mean you can't complete your mayor points (percentage) until day 2?
Actually I dont think you can't start getting mayor points until your second dayYou can complete a large portion of your points in day one, finish in day two. What I think you mean is starting ordinances and projects, which can be done one day after you get 100% approval rating.
When and how do you unlock the Happy Room Showcase thing?
Digby doesn't appear until the second or third dayIt's unlocked from the start. All you have to do is talk to Digsby to visit the plaza, though it's quite empty without some Streetpasses.
You got your answer for this, but it only sells during the springThe wig that's sold by Gracie that looks like your hair is tied in a bow on the top of your head, where do you get it? Obviously Gracie but does she run a furniture store like in City Folk still? If so, do you have to unlock it in the Main Street or do you have to pay for the store to be built?
Keys don't return but instead you might find a dropped item that belongs to a villager.I don't know if this has been asked before, but when you fish, do you still have a chance of finding a lost key in the river?
I remember playing CF and found a lot of keys in the river and I wondered if they brought it back.