• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

ask the below user a question!

I'd play Phasmophobia. Hands down. Or maybe Fatal Frame 🤔

What's your fave genre to read?
Nonfiction, especially music-related.

Is there a book you liked so much, you finished it in a day or a few days?
Actually, yeah. I remember it took just a couple days to finish reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Then I bought the sequel novel, My Friend Leonard and read that in about a week?

Do you think you'd survive a zombie apocalypse?
I dont know, my EX gave me tips. But no, Id probably end up becoming a zombie. So probably not.

Or id turn into that weird person who hangs out up in trees, to shoot zombies. My instinct would proabaly be to go high lol
Do you prefer animated, or live action movies?
dunno really, most are rather pretty even though i'm not that much into horses :3

least fave music genres?
I would say ACNH and BOTW have to be my top two right now. BOTW is just such a beautifully made game with so much to do, and the music compliments it so well!
I'll just reply to the above as well since person above forgot to ask...

Well, older Pokémon, Civ V, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 etc.

Fave yogurt flavour?
Dont really eat yogurt anymore.. But when I did I always liked the fruity flavors so ill go with Peach.

Dream Car / Vehicle?
Any kind of RV. I know, weird selection. But I love traveling and I’d convert that into my own mini home and drive around the country.

Same question?