• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

ask the below user a question!

Yeah, it was the scariest. >_< The first time I experienced it, I thought I saw two ghosts watching me laying in bed, and I was unable to move. The second time was a crazy realistic falling experience.

Scariest nightmare you've had?
Not really the scariest, but it's the one I still remember simply because I felt the pain when I woke up. I was being chased by these weird grim reaper-esque spectral beings. I was in some kind of ancient labyrinth maze. They could phase through walls, but I tried to outrun them regardless. Eventually one slipped through the side of the wall and stabbed me with a weird otherworldly dagger. I woke up and it felt like someone had legit stabbed me. It really hurt, but there wasn't any bleeding or any indication that I was hurt. Like redness around the skin or anything.

Do you have a favorite night snack?
A couple come to mind: corn chips, ice cream, string cheese, Kit-Kats, and pop tarts.

Same q?
Cheez-its, utz potato chips, spicy nacho doritos, snickers chocolate bars to name a few.

What is your least favorite insect?
Fleas. I’ve had an irrational fear of them since I was a kid. They’re extremely ugly up close too.

Do you own a PC?
Yes, I have a gaming PC that’s honestly way more powerful than I need considering I mostly play Skyrim, Oblivion, Stardew Valley, Terraria and The Sims but it’s so nice to no longer deal with constant freezing and random shut downs.

Same question?
Yes, I primarily use my PC. I couldn't live without it.

Is there a hobby you're getting into or wanting to get into?
I've been wanting to get into knitting. I've already crochet for years now and wanted to try knitting too, but can't seem to get the hang or it yet.

Do you have a least favorite chore?
changing sheets and doing the bed, mine is way too large and chunky to be able to do it properly :/

same q?
I hate taking out the trash, its heavy and gross. Luckily my husband does it. I hate ironing because it’s boring and takes forever to do.

Is there a chore that you like doing?
vacuum cleaning perhaps. i mean none are really fun but i don't mind that one too much.

what kind of phone do you have, if any?
I have a pale purple Samsung. I hate everything about it but the colour and my next phone will be Apple again.

Same q?
iPhones SE (3rd gen, 2022). I kinda dislike Samsung too cause mom got one and it's impossible to navigate on and its interface is rather ugly.

worst phone you ever had?
Gotta think a while back for this one 😅 For me it would be this phone (Motorola Rival), all the menus inside were just weird and awful from what I remember and I also recall that it had a very weird feeling touch feedback on the touch screen

I had a different phones before this that were worse spec wise but this one was the one I liked the least

Last song you listened to?