• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

ask the below user a question!

I don't really eat sushi, but I have had it a few times. Most of what I have tried is not bad and I would buy/eat it again given the chance. But there aren't a lot of places like that where I live.

What would your spiritual animal be?
Have to go with bear probably.

What is your favorite thing to learn about?
I love behind-the-scene stuff for animated movies, shows, and games if that counts?

How long does it take for you to get ready to go out?
depends on for what occasion to be honest :3 if it's for work naturally longer but if it's just for doing an errand i'll be quick. etc.

crisps flavour you wish were available in your country?
I actually had to take a quick look around since I don’t eat chips much anymore, and this caught my interest:

Ever tried sesame balls? The deep fried bean-filled balls covered in sesame seeds you would typically find at a Chinese buffet lol
Yes I have, but it's been a really long time. I think the one I had was black sesame with something sweet inside, may have been red bean. It's been like 6 years though :(

When was the last time you were sick?
I would say 2020, caught Covid twice. Since then, barely much at all. If other pains count, then kinda now lol

Any game you’re excited for?
Story of seasons: AWL! was a little disappointed with the last standalone game they released, but AWL is one of my favorite Harvest Moon games, so I'm looking forward to a remake

Do you collect anything?
I collect vinyl records and CDs very casually.

Do you play any games on computers?
No I decided to quit PC gaming mainly for personal reasons
Do you enjoy the rain?
I do actually, as long as there’s no special occasion etc. It’s s very calming.

Any regrets as a kid in school? (ie yelling back at a teacher etc)
My only regret is not being able to join clubs :( I wanted to but my mom never let me. I was a quiet kid and never did much.

When was the last time you were proud of yourself? :)
The last time was being invited to be a staff member on the other forum I’m on. I’ve always wanted to be one so it meant a lot to be invited.

Same question?
some basic stuff like coca-cola, fanta etc. but i don't have it often. sometimes coca cola if i eat out and have like pizza or stuff.

what phone do you have, if any?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S20, but in like 2 days i'll be getting the Flip 4. I'm waiting for it to be delivered to my store for activation :)

Favorite holiday meal item?
Hmm, definitely stuffing, ham, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie among others! Oh and eggnog- so unhealthy but ugh! 😭

Any plans this week?
Currently on a giant trip up north to see family. We’re driving another 4 hours tomorrow night to see my mom’s side, and we’ve been doing my dad’s side since Sunday.

Do you have any pets?