Ask The Poster Above You a Question!

I want to, but my computer unfortunately doesn't have enough memory to run it properly, or at least not with the quality of animation that I strive for. I'm going to save up for a computer that runs the program more efficiently, but I'm currently broke so I can't do it.

Do you like to write?
It depends. There are some rather interesting ones, but I don't like a lot of them. I like the conspiracy theory ones. But a lot of Creepypasta is just fanfiction, which I don't like reading.

What's an embarrassing moment that you've had?
My life :p.

But no, I have a lot. I've answered this before, so I'll answer with something different. One time, I tripped up the stairs in High School. However, I slammed my boob on the railing. So was clutching my boob from the sheer pain, and it turns out that I bruised it really bad. People kept wondering what I was doing with my chest.

What is your favorite cartoon? (not including anime)
I'll assume cartoon means TV and not animated film. I guess "The MAXX" is pretty up there. Brings back great memories of being a kid. Although any cartoon from the 90's is right up there with it.

What is your favorite animated film? (Also not including Anime)
I really love Nemo, but also Toy Story. It's tough for me to choose out of those two. I guess Finding Nemo though since I watched that like 20 times a week when I was younger. :p

What is one thing you'd do on a near daily basis if you were rich/richer that you don't do now?
I was actually seriously hoping you'd ask. I'd have a towel heater in my bathroom so after ever shower I can get a nice warm towel. That'd be so great! <3

If you're not Bambi...same question.
If you are Bambi...What's the least amount of sleep you can get and not be tired?
Lookyhooky- Yes I do, Superpenguin - 9 hours will guarantee I'm not tired. ( I love your towel idea btw.)

What is 1 song you can sing word for word from beginning till end and you know every single lyric properly?
Let it Snow. xD I know so many other songs though, except some lyrics I always get confused on their placement. Let it Snow is the only one I know the entire order. :p

Do you enjoy making 2D or 3D art more?
LOVE EGGPLANT - One of my favorite things actually :)

If you had to be the opposite gender for just one day, what would you do?
I don't really see any difference in regular activities among genders so I guess just do what I normally do. :p

Do you feel a lot of people doubt you/your abilities?
Nope. I actually have a lot of support.

Do you think people doubt you? Or is it the opposite where there is too much expectation?
Really both. It feels like a lot of people my age doubt my abilities, yet I always end up proving them wrong(haters are motivators). Yet a lot of adults have such high expectations for me, but that's fine to me.

Do you consider yourself talented?