Snake is awesome.
Hide and seek with snake would be amazing. <3 lol
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We can still play hide and seek in new Leaf cant we?
Not sure... only into the game like... 11 days... rofl
Lurking for savannah..
I'd love Hopper!! He's my final dreamie for my main town!! <3 (banner's under spoiler tag) I'm sad I have no room in my main town. Got room in my 2nd one though, well, as soon as I TT Chief's house out. He was adopted, but I didn't TT after he was adopted.
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Okay, officially have a space in my cycling town.Hope I can buy myself some time while trying to get someone out from my main town... Tammy... I'm looking at you...
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Oh, just double checked, I have two slots open. XD
Whoo!! I'll PM you my FC now!!
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Let me know when your gate's open!Already added you
I wanted him as my jock but then I got Kid Cat. Otherwise, I would have taken him in a heartbeat.Seriously, guys. He's a ninja rabbit! He's not gonna be voided. I will find him a home!!!
I wanted him as my jock but then I got Kid Cat. Otherwise, I would have taken him in a heartbeat.
I'm so close to reaching a full town of dreamies so I have to be careful who I take in.Mott is my jock currently. He's nothing super special, but he was one of my original five, and he is my buddy. Otherwise, this guy would be mine!!