• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

"And so you did," Riku said, and rubbed her eyes, and her face where Ayane got chocolate. She let go of her, looking at the living doll. "Just drunk-hugging," Riku laughed. She giggled at what Vick had said, but then wondered, what time was it? She looked at the clock. It stopped moving. It was stuck at midnight. "Midnight? I think?" She replied, and motioned Vick toward the clock.
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"Four minutes to Midnight to be exact." Vick commented.
Ayane kicked to clock slightly in her drunken mood. "Silly clock must beeeee broken!" She swayed slightly and giggled. "Ohhhh well."
Vick chuckled, putting hands on his hips. "Riku and Ayane go get some rest. I will fix the clock in the morning."
"Whhhaaaaa? But I wanna eat more cake!" The messy girl exclaimed.
"Aw alriiight," Riku whined. "Ayane, go nighty night." The maid went upstairs into her own room, and flopped down on her bed, falling asleep instantly.
Ayane giggled before going up to her room too. "NiiiiiiiiiiiIIIiiIIiiIiGht!" She slurred before going to sleep on her bed and started snoring.
Vick also slipped into his bed, cuddling his hamsters as he fell asleep.
Yukiko let out a long sigh, then made her way back to the couch. She laid back down, and fell back into sleep.
After a long while, Ayane woke up again, deciding to creep back downstairs for more cake. She passed the clock again and it still had not budged. "...Is it really broken?" She inspected it, then looked inside to see nothing had changed. She felt like she had slept for ages, but yet time seemed to have remained still. She decided to get her cake and go back to bed just in case.
It was morning, or at least it felt like it, and Riku woke up, with a headache. She looked outside the window. It was still dark. "What the..?" she mumbled, and rubbed her eyes, thenn looked out the window once more. Still dark. Riku stood up and trotted town the stairs, and looked at the clock. It was still stuck. "Must be dreaming... Or I way overslept. Riku went back up the stairs and knocked on Ayane's door.
"Ayaneee! I need to hug youuuu," She slurred through the door.
Ayane pretty much launched herself out the door into Riku's arms. "W-What's happening Riku? I have been waiting for hours, why isn't the morning coming!" Ayane said shivering a little scared, she was always a big scardy cat. "Do you think it was because I ate all the cake?"
(This is after the tour finished) Well I hope you had fun on the tour! Good night, I hope you'll like sleeping in the guest room sometimes its a bit scary at first but youll be fine!" Mina looked at the time and saw her watch was almost at midnight but it the arrow wasnt turning. "Huh, thats strange, oh well, after that very long tour we should get are sleep." she turned to her room, then she thought 'that tour felt like all night and usally it takes long so it should be morning...
Charlotte said goodnight to Mina, and thanked her for showing her around, before going to bed since it was so late. Later she was woken up to the sound of voices outside somewhere. Rubbing her eyes, she quietly got out of bed and tiptoed over to the door. She opened it a little and looked out into the hallway to see Riku and Ayane. What's going on..? she wondered.

Jonathan turned from his side onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. He'd woken up at some point during the night and now couldn't get back to sleep again, not particularly helped by the voices of some of the staff down the hallway.
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(Okay this is know the present) Mina woke up and yawned, she started heading down the stairs until she noticed it was still dark, somethings wrong the thought to herself. She went to find anyone and ask what has happened
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Vick has snuck up behind Jonathan, pulling a scary face and grabbing his shoulders to shock him. "Boo!"
Mikan was still asleep, without a care in the world.
"Argh-" Jonathan cried, jumping as he was caught by surprise, but cutting himself off as soon as he could since Mikan was still asleep. "God damn it, Vick..." he muttered, glaring at the butler, until without realising it a smiele spread across his face.
Vick gave an innocent look. "Bless, was the Master all scared." He pulled on his cheek.
Mikan woke up with a yawn. Why isn't it morning yet...?
"I wasn't scared," Jonathan insisted, sounding quite childish, as he moved away a little to make Vick let go of his cheek. "Just a little surprised."
Vick rustled Jonathan's hair. "Sure. What ever you say Sir." He giggled.
Mikan was watching the boys through the door. ...He is getting very close with my husband... What is his deal... Ugh... Senpai...
Yukiko opened her eyes and sat up. She rubbed her eyes then looked out the window. "Why is it still night?" she thought to herself. Yukiko sat there dumbfounded.
Jonathan couldn't help but laugh a little to himself. "What's going on, anyway? Shouldn't it be lighter out by now? Everything is still pitch black..."
Vick pointed at the clock. "The clock seems to be stuck at 4 minutes to midnight."
Ayane turned to face the two boys. "B-But w-why?!"
"Do you think time has stopped-"
Mikan entered. "Do not be ridiculous. That is impossible."
"It certsinly seems like it would be impossible," Jonathan agreed. "...But is there any other explaination that anyone can think of?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Charlotte quietly walked over to the group of people gathered together, wondering what they were talking about.