Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Mikan had made her way across the hall to find the source of the noise, to be safe, she peeked through the crack in the door.
Vick, ontop of Jonathan, chuckled. "No problem." They were very close to each other. (#gaysexualtension)
Mikan watched in jealous rage through the door. Senpai... What...

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ayane nodded. "W-We should check, what if someone is hurt?"
"Y-Yeah!" Yukiko tried to smile. "W-Where do you think it came from?"
Jonathan smiled at the butler, grateful for what had happened. Due to the way they were positioned on the floor, he was currently staring directly into Vick's eyes. He wasn't aware Mikan could see them through the door.
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Vick moved in, as if he was going to kiss the boy, but stopped before making contact. He heard a creak from outside, as if they were being watched. Instead, he got up and started cleaning up the mess they made.
Mikan, having witnessed everything, opened the door and approached the two, sternly. "What on Earth was all this noise for?!"
"Mistress, you are speaking very loudly yourself-"
"Was this you’re doing?" Mikan bitterly interrupted. "I have had it with you... You're... YOU'RE FIRED!"
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Jonathan watched Vick get up and start tidying up, still a little confused about what had happened. He was just getting up and brushing himself off as Mikan came in and started yelling, sounding more angry than he'd ever heard her. "Dear, Whatever has gotten you so worked up?" He asked softly, hoping she'd calm down a little.
Mikan gave a smile to her husband. "Oh dear, do not worry, I am merely saving you from this... This... Creep." She turned to Vick. "I said you are fired! Leave already!"
"But where the hell would I go? Have you seen the time!" Vick complained.
"I don't care, you can freeze to death in the cold for all I care!"
Ayane caught up with the others in the library. "W-what's going on! Are you all okay!" She asked, chowing on a cup cake. "Oh... it was just the book case that fell. Phew, that's a relief..."
Jonathan scowled. "Mikan, you are not firing our butler for no reason," he said rather angrily. Wjat on earth has gotten into her?
"Dear!" She whinned. "H-He tackled you! Why are you on his side! I am your wife! You love me! D-Don't you?" She grabbed her husbands hands softly. "Ever since that Butler started working here, he has been nothing but trouble! Why aren't you on my side?"
Charlotte reached the bottom of the stairs, which lead to a large basement type room. The room itself was nothing unusual, though the wooden boxes in it were slightly more concerning. Are those... coffins..?
(whoopseh missed a few pages)
Riku heard a loud thud. "Eeeeeh what was that!" She yelled. She overheard Mikan yelling a bit away, she decided to find out why. She caught up with them, behind Ayane. "Ah. A bookcase. Why with the yelling, though?" Riku asked the Mistress, and poked Ayane
"Of course I love you," Jonathan said without hesitation. Even lies are easy to tell if you've had enough practice. "I would be on your side here, but you're trying to fire our butler for saving me from a falling shelf. If he hadn't tackled me to the floor, I'd be lying on it with books on top of me."
Yukiko was standing next to Ayane, watching the argument between the three. She stood there with a expression of relief on her face. She was happy that nobody was hurt.
Charlotte crept closer to one of the wooden boxes, which was obviously a coffin now that she was closer. Why are these here? she wondered. Put of sheer curiosity, she tried opening one, but the lid wouldn't budge. What on earth is going on..?
Ayane felt the maid poke her face, making her pull a funny face. "Oh... Hey Riku!" She smiled. "It is a bit tense up here... Want some cake?" She asked handing her a cup cake... Honestly this girl never stops eating!
Mikan looked between the two boys and let go of her husband's hands. "Fine..." She sounded a little down. "I am going back to bed." She walked away, looking a little like she had lost her mind. Senpai says he loves me... B-But... That butler is trying to steal him from me... I have to save my senpai! Mikan got to her room and lay on the bed fanning herself.
Riku accepted the cupcake. "Yassss," and took a bite. "So... Vick's fired?" She asked, licking a crumb off her lip
Ayane nodded. "Maybe, Mikan fired him but Jonathan isn't letting her by the looks of things..." She suddenly gave a face of realisation, she whispered to Riku. "Do you think Vick and Jonathan are like gay or something?"
Jonathan glanced between Mikan as she left, and Vick. What got into Mikan so suddenly? He wondered. "I suspect I'll never hear the end of this from Mikan, but you're not fired," Jonathan told the butler.
Yukiko stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. She placed her hands behind her back and interlocked her fingers together. She turned to Ayane, "Shall we continue trying to find out why it's still dark out?"