Bad ∞ End ∞ Night [Roleplay]

Mikan put her fan to her lips. "Hmm."
"I suggest we call for a house meeting." Vick suggested. "Get everyone together and discuss what is going on."
Ayane looked scared. "...I will make everyone tea so we can settle down."
"That's a wonderful idea," Jonathan agreed. "We should gather everyone in the dining room so everyone can sit around the table to talk," He suggested.

What's going on? Charlotte wondered. She wasn't sure if they'd even noticed she was there as she hadn't joined the main group, and instead was lurking a little way down the hall trying to make out their conversation.
"Yes. Let's go plan what to do." Vick walked to the dining area, already set with tea made by Ayane.
Mikan sat down, sipping some tea. "What on Earth is going on."
Ayane sat down and put a finger to her mouth, her drunk state now worn off. "... I don't know..."
Mikan looked around, to make sure Charollete was not there. "Perhaps is has something to do with that village girl we brought in..."
"W-What are you suggesting?"
"A curse maybe?"
"Don't be stupid."
"It is true that things were fine before now, and yet something strange is happening the night she showed up," Jonathan pointed out.

Charlotte lingered in the hallway when everyone else left towards the dining room. She was starting to wonder if she really could trust these people. They seemed nice, yet something weird was going on in this mansion.
Yukiko had seen the others gather in the dining room, she decided to go and see what they were all talking about. She got up from her couch, and made her way over to the dining room. She stood by the dining table, then pulled out a chair and sat down in it. Yukiko scooted the chair in then placed her hands in her lap.
Mikan stood up. "This is to strange for my likening. I am going back to bed and waiting until it is morning. This stupid clock must be broke or something."
Ayane watched the mistress rise and walk out into the hall.
Vick put a hand on Jonathan's shoulder. "I am going to check the library and see if any of the books have reported anything of this nature."
Ayane decided to sit and drink her tea, she was not sleepy anymore so thought she would just stay here for a while.
On her way to her room, Mikan passed the village girl, giving a fake smile. "It is still late, you should get back to bed. Sweet dreams." The mistress walked off.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ayane turned to Yukiko. "Hey, Yukiko, what do you think is going on here?"
"Well... I'm not quiet sure, it seems like a paranormal phenomena, but probably not. Maybe the clock is just broken?" Yukiko replied. "But then again... it still is dark out..." Yukiko whispered to herself. Yukiko looked confused, as she fidgeted her hands. She shifted uncomfortably then gulped.
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"I think I shall join you," Jonathan told Vick, standing from the table. "It's far too late to try to sleep again anyway.

Charlotte frowned, watching the mistress of the house leave. Mikan didn't even seem to have found it weird that she was up and about in the hallways. There's definitely sometging weird going on... She thought. She thought back to the one door that they'd passed when Mina was showing her around but didn't go in. Maybe that'd have something to do with it?
"Yes, me too," the doll girl stated. "Maybe we should get everyone together and discuss what we shall do as a team? I mean, it would make it easier to figure out this whole situation," Yukiko looked around to see if anyone else was coming.
Ayane nodded. "Yeah, we should find everyone else." Ayane got up from her chair.
Vick had entered the library and had started reading through books. "I can't find much." He giggled, having found a rude picture in one of the books, showing it to Jonathan. "Look at this." He burst out laughing, not taking this seriously.
Mikan lay on her bed, unable to sleep. What is going on here...
"Alright," Yukiko pushed her chair out and stood up. She pushed the chair back in and looked over at Ayane. "Where should we go first?" Yukiko asked.
Jonathan sounded serious at first, not looking at what Vick had found. "Don't you think you should- Oh, wow" He then looked down at the picture and started laughing too, unable to help himself.

Charlotte looked around to make sure no one else was nearby, then quietly made her way over to the one door Mina hadn't explained about. When she opened it, she saw it led to stairs going downwards, presumably towards a basement. She quickly shut the door and started downstairs, curious but also cautious about what she'd find down there.
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(We had a doll boy role but the person hasn't actually posted as them, so if anyone wants to take that they can have it I guess.)
Ayane was eyeing up some cake on the table, taking it quickly and eating it. "We should check the bedrooms."
Yukiko let out a slight chuckle, "You really like cake, don't you?" She then cleared her throat, "Alright, you can lead the way," Yukiko gave Ayane a sweet smile.
Vick got off track, trying to find other rude books in the library, giggling and chuckling like an idiot. He moved behind Jonathan to put a book away when he knocked the shelf accidentally and it toppled over. "Look out!" Vick tackled Jonathan out the way as the shelf fell over missing them with a huge thud.
Mikan shot up at the huge bang. "What the hell?!"
Ayane giggled at Yukiko, sticking her tongue out childishly. She screamed at the noise coming from upstairs. "Omgomgomg what was that!? Oh no no oh no!" She started to panic.
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Yukiko let out a scream, then jumped in the air. "What the hell was that?!" She gasped, then began to look around nervously. Yukiko's breathing began to get heavy, as she tried to calm herself down.
Ayane was still eating the cake, even though she was terrified. "W-What if i-it was a monster... Or a serial killer? Oh no I am so scared Yukiko!"
"D-Don't put thoughts like that into my head..." Yukiko yelped. "D-Do you wanna go see what it was...?" Yukiko asked, she began to shake a little bit.
Everyhing happened quite quickly, Jonathan wasn't really aware of what was going on until he ended up on the floor with Vick, books scattered around a fallen shelf near them. "What the...?" He muttered, as he realised Vick had tackled him out of the way. "Thank you..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Charlotte heard a loud noise from somewhere above, and contemplated going to see what was going on. By now though she was partway down the stairs and curiousity about what was at the bottom took over.