Basement Dwellers

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@Mick okey I’m blabbing now. It’s a reference to the brothers grimm fairy tale “brother and sister.” In specific, early in the story the evil stepmother curses the streams of the forest that the titular characters are in to turn them into animals if they drink from them. The first one would’ve turned them into tigers. The second one would’ve turned them into wolves. The third one (which the brother drinks out of) turns him into a deer.

(Sorry, was playing Mario Kart with the event peoples)
Ah, I don't remember that one, even though my fairy tale knowledge is pretty good 🤔
Hi all,

Several warnings were made in this thread yesterday regarding the amount of spam posts. After looking over what occurred in the ~6 hours I have been offline, and hearing that two other staff members were required to come in here and clean the thread up during that time, I am going to have to follow through on my warning that the thread would be closed if you continued to spam rather than having a normal conversation.

Reminder that TBT is not the equivalent of a group chat on Discord or Facebook. Spamming emojis, images, one-character posts, empty posts, etc isn't considered an appropriate form of communication. While The Basement is more lax on post quality rules than other areas of the forum the thread should not descend into utter chaos either.

This thread will reopen in approximately 24-30hrs. Please take this break to reflect on your own conduct in this thread.
I'll try to lean toward the lower end of that range, but it's 5am and usually I'm not doing mod work at this hour!

As always, if you have any questions or wish to discuss this you are welcome to get in touch.
September 1st 2020 Notice (must read)

This thread will be opening approximately 12-15hrs from now. When it does, we are expecting users to adhere more closely to the rules. I have taken the time to write up a sort of 'SparksNote' equivalent of the rules and guidelines for you in hopes that this will lead to less incidences of moderator action needing to be carried out in this thread.

While this a casual discussion thread it is important to remember that it is not a chat room. For this reason posts need to have a little more structure to them than something you might post on Facebook Messenger or Discord. All posts within this thread must also comply with The TBT Rules and Guidelines. Some important things to keep in mind when posting in this thread are:

Post Quality and Rude Behaviour:
  • Please do not spam. This includes making many posts only containing emojis, gifs, images, etc.
  • Please do not make single-character, one-word, or empty posts. If you do not have something to contribute to the thread that will further discussion then it is better not to post at all. If you want to show someone that you agree with them please use the "Like (y)" and "Love :love:" reactions instead.
  • Please do not curse at other users, whether or not you mean it sincerely or in humour.
  • Please avoid making posts that contain excessive cursing, are consistently written in large fonts, and making many posts that are written in all capital letters.
Prohibited Content:
  • Please do not post images or videos containing bad language, violence, gore, sexual content, etc. If you wouldn't show it to your younger brother or sister then it's not appropriate to share on TBT either.
  • Please do not speak negatively about other forum users, even if you are not mentioning them by name.
  • Please do not talk about another user's suspension. Talking about your own ban or infraction is fine.
  • If you see a post that violates the rules please press the report button to bring it to the staff team's attention. Please do not engage with these posts directly.
Failure to comply with these rules will lead to the permanent closure of the Basement Dwellers thread. If you do not understand these rules please make a thread in Contact the Staff to discuss it.

This information has also been added to @Mick's opening post under the heading Rules for Conduct. Please refer to it whenever you are unsure if your posts are within the rules.
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