Basement Dwellers

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I have gotten through several of the large Pink Dragonfruit ones. 😅 I really need to find Sicilian Lemon in that size.
I tend to get wood wick with the larger candles when they’re on sale: that’s why I was so sad when I found I was allergic to my newest one (;(n ); )
I tend to get wood wick with the larger candles when they’re on sale: that’s why I was so sad when I found I was allergic to my newest one (;(n ); )
That is so disappointing. 😔

I have 0 candles in my home right now, but I did always like them. There's just something pleasing about fire. Maybe I should try to put some of them around. 🤔
Buy some! I have a lot of unscented tea lights purely for that natural burning smell. :D
I have so many lighters and matches in my house you would think I was still a smoker. Or an arsonist.
I expect photographs.
Speaking of photos, I was trying to find the little tin of Turquoise Skies I had. I wasn’t able to find it, but I DID find my favorite souvenirs of my favorite trip!
two medallions from Mt. Rushmore
Souvenir penny album and my current favorite souvenir penny (can’t show the full collection as the majority of my pennies are from my general area)
Those are really cool, @Your Local Wild Child! 😯

Just switched from a scented jar candle to an unscented tea light. This is my favourite tea light holder. I got it in Edinburgh in a little oddities shop attached to a tattoo studio earlier this year:

Our little town hosts an Octoberfest market/party almost every year (probably not going to happen this year cuz of quarantine) and one of the constant kiosks that appears there is a $1 candle stand. One year I got a cool swirled rose candle. Your holder reminds me of that!
Our little town hosts an Octoberfest market/party almost every year (probably not going to happen this year cuz of quarantine) and one of the constant kiosks that appears there is a $1 candle stand. One year I got a cool swirled rose candle. Your holder reminds me of that!
That sounds awesome. I'm not a big fan of floral scents but I do love rose.
I don't even know which shop I'd go to for nice candles, and on top of that it'll be on a Sunday. No promises from me. :p
Google it. :p
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