Basement Dwellers

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Super Mario World would be a bit odd because there's a game named that. ^^
Yea I thought about that but it’s also a bit of a misnomer with “Nintendo world” if it’s just mario and his closest buddys. I want zelda, AC and Kirby content darn it not just mario, mario kart amd yoshi
Looking back at my warnings, I was very sarcastic. ;-;

I try not to be sarcastic on here. I don't want to risk it because some people are just terrible at judging intent in text, and someone is definitely going to fail at that and get offended. It's a shame, but that's how it is online. 😔 Hope it wasn't too bad!

Alright good news, with the next round of tickets I should have enough tickets to buy a new set of yellow & blue star fragments and still finish my lineup :')

And bad news, my user background expires in like 1.5 hours
Mine is already gone. This day is ruined I'm going back to bed. 😔

Completely understandable. I'll still have my signature I guess. But it just won't be the same. 😭

Tell Jeremy we need them back in stock please.
I bought mine for no reason, it does look nice though.
Kudos to the artists of the backdrops though, they look nice.
I love these backgrounds. I hope there will be many more in the future. They look so good!
Probably. I think the real challenge will be getting it added to the forums. :p

I can be persuasive.

Exhibit A:
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