Basement Dwellers

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Hello there


I am always tempted to reply with this gif every time I see someone start an introduction thread titled "Hello There"
I guess I can just like try and finish this book I have or play Switch but it's like.. why midnight lol
As much as I'd love that, no. My mom is sleeping in the next room beside and she'd wonder what it is for. 😔 I wish they'd choose better restock times tbf lol

In that case, try not to fall asleep :0

Could have been worse, I suppose. But yes, these times do favour the other time zones

I should set an alarm for myself as well.
I hope I can get sheep plush

If all 60 of them get restocked, I think you should easily be able to get one! :D I like how so many people are going to buy one that it won't even be that rare once the fair is over
In that case, try not to fall asleep :0

Could have been worse, I suppose. But yes, these times do favour the other time zones
Cough 1 am trivia cough. Yes, I guess you can't please everyone and last restock was 6 pm for me but still feels a bit sour when they could just have picked, 10 or 11 pm for EU sake lol.

Yeah I'll try and stay up I suppose, maybe there's something on the telly I can watch.
Due to it being a weekday, if it were any earlier then we'd be losing a lot of America due to school/work schedules (we already have seen complaints that it's too early from people in PDT, actually!) - and that's where the majority of our users are based.
I'm going to go crawl under a blanket and cry now. 🐑

No don't, this is perfect! Now it's a little early for some, a little late for others, which means that I don't think you could have picked a better time without it becoming extremely late/early for either side :D <3
I'm going to go crawl under a blanket and cry now. 🐑

joke aside, it would have been ideal to have like, earlier or later but yeah up to you I suppose. I'm just crying in trivia language cause I couldn't attend 1 am, that's definitely too late.
Hey, I feel you on it being late! I hosted the second Discord Trivia night and it started at midnight my time. I recall saying to Mick beforehand that I was tired and would've gone to bed early if I could have. I've also hosted a 4am Splatoon 2 session before when LaBelleFleur had a large number of players show up, and once set an alarm for 5am to help another staff member with their event - so I certainly understand it! 😂

We need to find balanced times for members across the whole world, plus take our own schedules into account to some extent. Jeremy is the only one who can mass distribute tickets (the rest of us can do it manually, but we have to do it user by user), and he has a full-time job and sleeps relatively normal hours too.
Hey, I feel you on it being late! I hosted the second Discord Trivia night and it started at midnight my time. I recall saying to Mick beforehand that I was tired and would've gone to bed early if I could have. I've also hosted a 4am Splatoon 2 session before when LaBelleFleur had a large number of players show up, and once set an alarm for 5am to help another staff member with their event - so I certainly understand it! 😂

We need to find balanced times for members across the whole world, plus take our own schedules into account to some extent. Jeremy is the only one who can mass distribute tickets (the rest of us can do it manually, but we have to do it user by user), and he has a full-time job and sleeps relatively normal hours too.
Yeah, I can imagine you must have been tired, hopefully staff can arrange for like 1-2 hours earlier next time or so. I remember some year having like, 10-11 pm my time on weekends and it's been totally fine for most what I saw. I guess like 4-5 am is a really good time for US people though so, yeah.

Yeah, makes sense. I just hope I can stay up or take what's left since you guys had a better time last time.
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