Be Wary About Public Dodo Codes


Festive Fossil
May 5, 2019
I know many people are already careful about this for this very reason but given I slipped up here and had it occur, I feel the need to share what happened so people can learn vicariously from my own mistake.

I've been trading with other users and sharing my dodo code publicly. My biggest problem with dodo codes is that I forget to apply to an entire open-gate session, rather than a single visitor, and that gates do not close themselves automatically when the visitor leaves, meaning I often have this dodo code left open for anyone to come. In general, people are nice on this forum and I trust 99.9% of you all. Or 100% if this person was just a guest on the forums.

Someone found the dodo code I posted publicly and came to visit while I was in my house (which is on the opposite side of the island to my airport). I instantly did not trust this person. They had the word [removed] in their name. I found them in my orchard and flower fields as I was trying to run across the island so I asked them what they were doing. They said they were just visiting. I ask how they found the dodo code, but they didn't answer. They asked me to give them something, to which I refused. They promised me real artwork, to which I refused again, then said they were generally 'sad' so deserved something. I said no. They hadn't done anything bad at this point so I asked them politely to leave rather than kick them. They didn't listen.

Then I realised that they had in fact done something - stolen my peaches. Peaches are not my native fruit, and I only have 1 peach tree so far, meaning I no longer had any peaches to plant for more trees for a few days. If they'd taken some apples (my native fruit), chances are I would not have cared. I am happy to share apples for free as they are in near enough unlimited supply for me, but I am very limited on peaches. They ate two, so still had one in their inventory. I don't know what they were trying to do but they managed to drop the third, so I ended the session quickly, and luckily they left without stealing any of my valuables.

Needless to say, I shan't be posting dodo codes publicly anymore - and let this serve as a message to anyone else who does this currently, because someone is clearly watching the trading post right now looking to visit and cause trouble on your islands.
Definitely makes sense why I've seen some people on Reddit say they would PM their Dodo code to people instead of posting it publicly.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. :( At least you didn't have anything too bad happen and can take it as lessons learned for the future.
Also, if someone does invade and seems untrustworthy, RESET IMMEDIATELY. Don't let them exit. Press the home button and close the game. All damage they've done will reset and they'll be kicked out.

btw I've got some peach trees you can grab fruit from!
i learned this the hard way too, and feel like a real big dummy for it (>︿<) i was trading sanrio posters for nook tickets and posted the dodo publicly, and two randos came in. one stole the posters i layed out for someone else and another was speaking in broken english telling me that they wanted posters. i only dm dodos now...
Are you saying they have an account here? You can give them a negative feedback rating on their profile which can deter others from trading with them.

Also, if you really need peaches you can come to mine to pick some up if you need, I have a couple!
This happened to me, too! Thankfully the uninvited person was actually so nice and brought me fruit and flowers, but yes be carefull about sharing codes because you dont know the type of people who are gonna see them and intrude and like you said they arent necessarily forum members, but this forum gets lots of visitors, almost 500 or more sometimes.
That really sucks. I generally trust people on this forum but I'm careful about dodo codes just in case, PMing or if I post publicly closing the gate immediately after people in threads visit. Also peaches are my native if you need more.
Are you saying they have an account here? You can give them a negative feedback rating on their profile which can deter others from trading with them.

Also, if you really need peaches you can come to mine to pick some up if you need, I have a couple!
If they do have an account, I have absolutely no idea who they are. They refused to answer me when I asked them this, so I'm unsure if they are a user here or just a guest scrolling the forums, but they definitely got my code from these forums since I never posted the code they came in on anywhere else.
Has happened to me as well, and since every time was a public code in a thread I have no way of finding their TBT accounts to leave bad feedback. It's worth the extra hassle of waiting in order to keep your items safe :)

Generally, a good practice for me has been to ask for people to PM me to visit, and tell me their character and island names too so I can confirm who every visitor is. This has definitely discouraged any sort of wrongdoings or disrespect of any rules I set out for the visits/trades in question for every person.
I'm worried about this too, it's really better to just pm dodo codes and only invite ppl in small groups. It's been chaos trying to get into or leave a public dodo code island, you'll be stuck just seeing messages of ppl needing to leave or are on their way. Most people are respectful but some take advantage of a full island and wander off. :c
Aw I'm really sorry this happened to you. It's awful when someone has to come along and ruin that level of trust we could otherwise have for everyone else. In the end, PMing dodo codes is probably the best thing to do. Peaches aren't my native fruit, but I do have a couple trees with them. You are welcome to them if you need any.
Yeah this is why I'm kinda wary of trading with anyone online except for friends and why I don't post my codes anywhere besides DMs. I've also heard that people are a bit more ruder than usual as they will take shells, pluck or run over hybrid flowers, enter and leave without saying anything, etc.

If you want more peaches, feel free to DM me! They're my native fruit. ^-^
I'm so sorry this happened :c That's why if I ever do trades, rather than letting them leave on their own, I just hit the - key on my controller and end the session from there. This closes the gates automatically.
I started out doing public codes, but then I started PMing them. Sorry this happened to you.
This is exactly why I don't post them publicly (except that one time lol), because I know I won't close my gates. Especially if I plan on trading with multiple people. So sorry this happened to you :( at least nothing particularly valuable was taken.
My private messages are full, but I fenced off my dock, so that'll do.

Also you could have ended the session with the minus button. Do you need more fruit?
I am so sorry this happened to you.

I've had a terrible experience trading too, and got the wrong end of the stick.

Just have to get to know people a little better before trusting them, though the majority are very polite, others can be a total nightmare.
That's rough, I have always been sketched out with codes posted in public in general, I always prefer PMing

I also have peaches if you need any!