So sorry this happened to you! But as a person who was a vengeful teen to awful people back in New Leaf, my advice to you is this: A person can destroy 50% of your island from the time it takes to cross it. I understand that you wanted to be kind and let them leave instead of ending or resetting the session, but you should've just reset the moment he came in because getting out of your house may take ages. I always do that in the case that I get some random in my town.
Sorry this happened to you also be weary of letting a lot of people in at once, i opened my gates for people to come and sell turnips and a user (who wont be named, but im pretty sure i know who it was) was asking me if they could catalog my items on the floor, i told them no, later after the group left i saw a dinosaur fossil was missing, and i have sooo many items on my ground so it's impossible to tell if they took any of those but wouldn't be surprised if they did. I had about 4 people on my island so i couldn't prove it was them, therefore no negative feedback given :/ some people are sneaky!
I'm so sad to hear about this. Am very new to ACNH and loved the idea of just publicly posting a Dodo code, but after reading this thread, am going to be more careful and shift to PMing only.
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I'm so sad to hear about this. Am very new to ACNH and loved the idea of just publicly posting a Dodo code, but after reading this thread, am going to be more careful and shift to PMing only.
I was super nervous to trade with people for this reason. I just joined the forum and did not know what people were like, but the person who came to my town was super nice. I had to ask them how to invite them over and took a minute to figure out how to say hi back to them (forgot it was through the app not the in game phone). So embarrassing, but they were patient about it.
I did not know that we could rate profiles. I will have to go give them five stars then.
Also if you used to set up a queue remember to set it to private so that only the people who got the link through here can use it since there's no real way to track and leave feedback on people on it's a little bit of a free for all. Had someone swipe star fragments from my beach when I opened up for a DIY recipe publically there :/
I don't generally mind opening publicly, but that is because I don't leave anything of value to me when I do open for people to take. With the ban on axes and shovels, they can't permanently destroy anything, and if they take blooms or fruit, I know they will grow back. I have seen one user take the precaution with her money trees of building fencing around them so they couldn't be shaken. I have a fenced in area that I store my turnips in, and close it when I have strangers over.
I am sorry this happened to you, though. If you, or anyone else, needs anything, please let me know. I will be happy to help out if I can.
Edited to add....I do have walls around my orchard....maybe I should see about installing some gates as well.
This story truly made me sad. It's the worst when people don't just play for fun & aren't considerate of others! It's important to have that respect for others who are generous enough to open their town for you, especially when trading. Peaches are my native- I don't mind you coming to pick up a bunch! I have all the fruits I think, so if you haven't taken anyone up on it yet, you can run rampant in my orchard for self-care lol.
Well I Hope it not happen to me. I Try to Let in those i Trusted or one at a time on my island till i get to know them. Pm Codes to a small group at a time and then close the gate after the last member is in can help stop any raiding.
Tbh, I always get nervous for those who post their dodo code publicly. It just seems chaotic.
Also a warning in general, sharing dodo codes even in PMs doesn't guarantee safety. When scouring the Nooks Cranny forum, I saw something that people would share the dodo code with others even though the seller gave it to one person.
I think the fencing in is the best scenario though a bit time consuming or make force quitting second nature to you.
It really isn't as time consuming as it sounds. I have a small area that encloses about 30 spaces enclosed for my "turnip garden" and I keep the extra fence piece right there to pick up and pop into the opening when someone comes. Took me about 5 minutes to create once I had the pieces and decided how big to make it. It took me about 10 minutes to wall my orchard once I had the trees there (I have 3 of each tree in my orchard), and wouldn't take much to create a gate for that (I just need to figure out what I would do with one of the garden lights I have sitting outside the wall). If you are going to enclose everything, yes, it would be time consuming, but you only really need to do it with things that are dropped on the ground that you care about. I have everything placed, and no one can mess with those, not even me when the gates are open.
The thing that could be problematic is remembering to close your fences when you open your airport gates, because once they are open, you can't do it after the fact.
I apologize you had to experience this, peaches are my native fruit and id be more than happy to give you a bunch of them if you'd like to plant/sell, no charge at all. I know ive had that happen in NL for me where I fell asleep and left my gates open and someone took some of. my stuff and I was very upset (I was only 16 around then so)
So sorry this happened to you ): I know other people have already offered but I do have a full orchard and happy for you to come over and pick some fruit if you want!!
It's really sad to hear that happening to a fellow bell tree forum user... In general, I have found refuge in the forum from the massive r/acturnip and various other turnip related discords. I originally came to the forums as some kind of turnip bearing baron ready to sell but I ended up staying for the community and other trades. I really enjoy the forums and I'm just starting to get into commenting on the regular chat threads since I have most of the things that I already want (so far lol) in ac:nh.
I can't prove it but I'm p sure someone stole my customization kits the one time I posted a public code. Wasn't on here, I just posted it on Twitter (lol) cuz i had a meteor shower and wanted to try opening my town for fun and to be nice. I forgot to pick up my crafting items that I left on the ground by my workbench bc I just didn't think of it, after a bit one of the visitors brought it to my attention like 'Should these be out here?' and I ran over, picked up the stuff, put in storage.
Next day I'm scouring my storage for the 31 customization kits I should have had but they were nowhere to be seen.
So I understand why so many people do pm only. My only problem is that I'm quite shy and can find it difficult to work up the courage to ask for code But I've been a little less nervous on this forum, people seem mostly quite nice
Sorry to hear this happened to you! This is part of the reason why I mostly only use TBT, and PM people Dodo codes for trades or when having my island open. Luckily I feel they have limited the power of randoms destroying your town for the better. No longer do you have to worry about people coming into your town, you afk for a couple of minutes, and they have trampled 30 blue roses, or gold roses of yours.
I stopped using twitter recently for AC due to all of the morons trying to scam on there. Endless newly registered accounts of people trying to pull one for virtual currency. Also a good thing that you can just close the game if someone steals from you, to reset all things done.