Chief is my favorite, but I'm not a fan of his house in NH. Audie is an extremely close second. I love all of the wolves, though Tarou is my least favorite.
I must admit to having a soft spot for wolf villagers as I have Dobie, Audie and arguably. the best of all time, my ultimate favourite will always be the amazing Whitney
I think all the wolves are great, they're my favourite species in the game, but my favourite is Wolfgang, he was one of my earliest villagers in WW and I fell in colour with his character and the blue/yellow colouring and since then he's been my permanent go-to cranky in every game.
Other top contenders for me would be Freya, Vivian and Whitney as I think they all have really pretty colouring and they have my favourite personality and Kyle as I really like his design.
Honestly the wolves are one of my favourite species, so I love them all. But my all time favourite boy is Wolfgang. He suits the cranky personality so well, and has a great overall design. I had him back in New Leaf and I was obsessed with him. He is at the top of the list of my all time favourite villagers. I can't not have him on my island.
As for runner ups/special mentions- I also love Skye, Audie, Whitney and Dobie. They are all babies as well.
I voted Fang but I very nearly voted Chief. Both are my favorites. Whitney is right up there as well. (I kinda wish I voted Chief though as he has gotten 0 love )
To me wolves are the most generic and boring species in the game.
They're not my least favourite species, but at least like gorrilas are hated because of the character they have.
I would say audie is my favorite wolf. Then Kyle.
I have a soft spot for skye, but she's still rather boring.
And then the rest of them are zzzzzz
Theyre all the same apart from different shades. Mostly different shades of gray.
There's only a couple of wolf villagers I haven't come across so far, but I'm gonna have to go with Audie. She was my third ever mystery islander, and the only wolf I've actually kept across all games.
My favorite is Audie! When I restarted my island she was actually the first villager I got on a nook miles island. I had her on my old island too. I love her!
Wolves are definitely not my favorite. My favorite would have to be Kyle though because of his purple eyelids and sleepy look. He’s the only one I’ve ever had willingly. Funny enough I always get tons of wolves in my campsite and mystery islands. It’s so wasted on someone like me lmao
Dobie is the only cranky who genuinely looks old, so I gotta say him. He's such a cute grumpy grandpa wolf ☺ The other cranky wolves are nice, but they look so dang YOUNG. Like, Wolfgang is complaining about aches and pains? In the game world he could totally be a male model- he looks so youthful and healthy!
That being said, I can't really think of any wolves I DISLIKE... other then maybe the Link one, 'cause I'm not overly fond of the villagers based on other game series. And Skye is cute, but her eyes and shade of blue aren't my favorite, but I'd still potentially have her on my island.
Also, I'm surprised to see some people here DON'T like the wolves! I always considered them one of the basic nice, non-controversial villager types, lol. Like cats.
Wolfgang and Fang are very nice for me, and have the best personality in game! I'm curious to discover how a normal wolf villager could be (Skye) but I'm sorry, I really dislike Audie.
My favorite wolves are Kyle and Vivian. I love that Kyle's fur pattern is based on an African Wild Dog's. And I like Vivian's more natural sandy fur color and grey muzzle. I think my least favorite is Wolf Link, since I'm not a fan of villagers based on other games and he looks out of place compared to the other villagers.
This is a hard one, I like every wolf villager except Lobo (his eyes bug me)
My town in new leaf was all wolves for a while and I considered Skye like my town mascot because she matched my flag so well, I made the flag into a **** and I ould always get so stoked when she wore it lol.
That being said I don't think I can call her my favorite wolf villager because ever since I invited Dobie for the first time, I fell in love. He's such a sweet old boy, he reminds me a lot of my late grandfather. My grandfather was always out in the yard gardening and his yard was beautiful. I gave Dobie a garden in his backyard as a sort of homage to him.
Man, I have a long story to this via New Leaf, but bottom line is Kyle has and always will be my numero uno villager as a whole (although Sherb has been passively fighting him on that).
Chief and Lobo also used to be my early day boys but when I scanned them in for NH I just… they didn’t feel the same.
I’ve got Whitney and Audie fairly permanently this time around. Everyone else came and went a few times and may continue to. Except Skye. I haven’t forgiven her for New Leaf. She knows what she did.