Binge Eating


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
i got 19, which i thought was pretty low (for me)
i've pretty much constantly got a food or drink at home but when i'm in public i always lose my appetite but i think thats because i'm too anxious
I got a score of 9. I love food and all, but I usually just eat when I'm hungry. I also have stomach problems so eating when I'm full is really difficult.
Quite often when I feel emotional or anxious, I can't even think about food. If I see or smell food when I'm feeling upset, it makes me nauseous.
i got a 9
i usually am very hungry and i wait for hours because i want to, but after that i eat a few snacks every day
my body doesnt like moderate sized meals, it makes me throw up so i have to eat lots of small things
I got a 14. I do have issues with overeating sometimes
Here is your Binge Eating Score: 1

0 - 17 = Little or no binge eating behavior

18 - 26 = Moderate binge eating behavior

27 - 46 = Severe binge eating behavior

I?m God
oh shoot.PNG
I do know that my eating habits are really weird. I don't have a set time during the day that I eat, I just kinda let my body decide (because some days I don't feel hungry at all and some days I feel like I could binge). I do sometimes eat when I'm bored, and I try to find something stimulating to distract me from the impulse.Another weird thing is sometimes I eat a lot and I still fee hungry, and sometimes I eat just a little bit and I feel full. Idk what causes that :/
And I will say that I have poor self-image. I can never look at my body and feel good about myself...

Also doesn't help that I was planning on working out more this year and then I had that issue with my left patella... gonna be a few months before I can completely recover from that injury :(
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I got 4.
I used to have an eating disorder that is the complete opposite of binge eating, so I expected my score to be low
20. ya gurl loves food. I actually stress eat a lot these days, so it's real hard to control a lot of times. If I see food I like, I'm gonna be all over it tbh. I also eat pizza way more than I probably should.
I got a score of 2. There are some days where I feel like continuously grazing, but typically I eat 3 meals, and snack occasionally.
I got a 1 which doesn't surprise me. although some of the answers didn't apply to me at all so I just had to pick the one that was closest to how I would answer. e.g. I don't usually eat three meals a day but I definitely don't have more than that or "eat continuously" so I was like how tf do I answer this lol and I have no idea how many calories I consume on average so it wasn;t really accurate to say it's "fairly constant" but all the other answers were just totally off.

I really like and enjoy food/eating, but I'm usually able to control most unreasonable impulses and not overeat
29... kind of expected it, I've had a pretty awful relationship with food lately.

I feel weird with some of the posts in this thread that feel like they are being somewhat comedic about their answers, since that feels like downplaying the issue, but whatever.
9. I know a majority of those points came from eating while I'm bored, because I do that A LOT lol