has anyone claimed shep yet?
I've been asleep so I've missed all the good offers and these cycling threads :/ Why did sleep have to happen ! DX
Of course! I wish there was quote notifications on this forum so I could just "summon" people, haha!
But yeah, I have some schoolwork to do so I'm keeping Shep until he has a new home. You'll be second in line then! *u*
Just letting you know that I am still interested if you don't hear from Hound's friend. It is after midnight here ... I guess I'll have to wait a few hours to see what happened.
Just letting you know that I am still interested if you don't hear from Hound's friend. It is after midnight here ... I guess I'll have to wait a few hours to see what happened.
Shep is still available for you! I'm running off to school now though, so how do you feel about this afternoon/tonight(for me)? 8 hours or so from now?
Shep is still available for you! I'm running off to school now though, so how do you feel about this afternoon/tonight(for me)? 8 hours or so from now?
I don't work on Mondays, so I'll be here waiting. Hope you have a good day at school.
maybe it's because you're a coffee...addict
no go and take a nap!
the same goes for me actually, im on holiday now and iwas expecting to be able to sleep a lot but i keep waking up early and it's horrible
except im not going to sleep now because if bunnie shows up on willow's thread again and i miss her :|
I know exactly what you mean DX ! even though I'm sleeping well I've still been exhausted these last few weeks :/