Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline

My college is very conveniently placed also, there's a starbucks down one road to the end and on the other road is a Costa. XD

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No, i'm not stalking this thread for anyone :eek: Kiki filled my town yesterday. (I love her :3)

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Anyways, i'm gonna go for now. Gonna go rest xD (nap) :p
I had the WORST day!! We had this horrible showing of our recent project which is radio interviews, and they were all. so. boring. (*?д`*) Three hours of that. Then I went to the doctor to get a prescription and when I went on the bus it was so full that people were rubbing up on me all over. TAT And it was SO WARM!! And I was wearing SO MUCH CLOTHING!!! So now I'm really tired and grumpy and on top of all this I have driving lessons in 25 minutes ;~; I can't wait to get home to my bed...
Ew, driving lessons suck (behind the wheel, whatever it's called) I seriously almost fell asleep while doing that since my Mom made me do it after school.
I had the WORST day!! We had this horrible showing of our recent project which is radio interviews, and they were all. so. boring. (*?д`*) Three hours of that. Then I went to the doctor to get a prescription and when I went on the bus it was so full that people were rubbing up on me all over. TAT And it was SO WARM!! And I was wearing SO MUCH CLOTHING!!! So now I'm really tired and grumpy and on top of all this I have driving lessons in 25 minutes ;~; I can't wait to get home to my bed...

Awww D: That sucks x.x
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I had the WORST day!! We had this horrible showing of our recent project which is radio interviews, and they were all. so. boring. (*?д`*) Three hours of that. Then I went to the doctor to get a prescription and when I went on the bus it was so full that people were rubbing up on me all over. TAT And it was SO WARM!! And I was wearing SO MUCH CLOTHING!!! So now I'm really tired and grumpy and on top of all this I have driving lessons in 25 minutes ;~; I can't wait to get home to my bed...

Sounds vile :( I'm kinda glad at times like this that I live in the UK :) Half term break is beautiful ! Even if we do get short summers :/

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Hello again :]

Ohey !
Er... I need advice >.<' should I TT Anicotti out?
I made a Giveaway thread for her earlier, no one is offering. Shows how popular she is XD
Ew, driving lessons suck (behind the wheel, whatever it's called) I seriously almost fell asleep while doing that since my Mom made me do it after school.

I have a pretty awesome driving teacher, so it's fine... The problem is how tired I am and how unfocused I'm going to be. 60 days until I'm 18 and can get my license, finally!

Sounds vile :( I'm kinda glad at times like this that I live in the UK :) Half term break is beautiful ! Even if we do get short summers :/

I want half term break!! ;o;

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Er... I need advice >.<' should I TT Anicotti out?
I made a Giveaway thread for her earlier, no one is offering. Shows how popular she is XD

I know I'm going to void her OTL I hate her so much.
Er... I need advice >.<' should I TT Anicotti out?
I made a Giveaway thread for her earlier, no one is offering. Shows how popular she is XD

I usually give giveaways half an hour and if no-one has viewed it by then I banish the villager to the void :)
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Hmm... ok, after I finish collecting my bugs for funding my police station (which got requested today, WOOOOP!), make sure no one is leaving and then TT her out :3
Oh well, I'm going to spend the last 15 mins reading for my exams. See you guys when I get home!
Good idea ! I was supposed to have a giveaway for Leonardo today but I voided him by mistake :/

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Oh well, I'm going to spend the last 15 mins reading for my exams. See you guys when I get home!

It will be worth it in the end !
Good luck Bon! :)

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I've closed the giveaway, planning to TT her out :p Can't stand her ugly little face anymore x.x (I know that sounds really harsh, sorryyy D: )

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Also, the collecting the bugs.. it isn't that late here, i've just gone to the international island XD
Why is the island so very boring all of the time. .-.

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I had a super good dreamie day yesterday ! Hoping to have another ok one today !

Ooh, congrats! :)
Yesterday I got a dreamie off a friend for free.
MayorAvalon, her Kiki was leaving and she wanted her to go to a good home, the home being my town :D
I'm so pleased I got her.