Bon: wait Zell? So who's the right sprite? Jocks are adorable!!!!!!!!! I love them <3
Crankies, their protectiveness is so cute whenever they ask to go to your house to check if you're okay, and they're like have you got a bed? a plant? or something omg aw<33
Yeah that's a great idea Bon <3
curious though, did you ever not move in any populars from the campsite or autovoided populars before you knew about trading etc? i had ankha in my campsite near the beginning but i didnt move her in and now ive got her and i love her to pieces ewgsh
Bruce is the right one! Must've been a weak moment when I put Zell up... >n<; I like all of them really, just... Jocks tire me with their muscle talk. *u*
I voided Purrl before realizing she was popular, and that was when I reset my main about two weeks ago... She's not very popular but I know a few people wanting her. D: I've had Kabuki and a couple of those cute cats in my campsite in my first town, I never wanted any of them but it makes me sad to think about now!