Wow you are younger than me! I doubted it tbh haha >u< I'm 17, my birthday is in December. I have an exam the week before! *A*i'm 15<3 it's my birthday next month
and i have an exam on that day
ugh just let me die
oop i told you i had a feeling
it doesnt matter im going to treat you like youre my younger sister anyway
i am literally the embodiment of the uchi personality
anyway i have jacques for you now, he's funky, ZUT ALORS
christ kiki those are a lot of villagers that you might be maybe trading
by a lot i mean like whoooa those villagers
It's happened before that someone offered a villager that I though I'd hate for a popular villager and I said yes just to see how the villager ends up ^_^ so the one's for 'Maybe' trade are the wild cards I love but wanting to keep my town new I might trade!
bon: ofc i'd hold him for you, i need to cycle villagers to get marshal and fuchsia back anyway
aaah im so close now
time to get twiggy out
no one wants her yes?
both jacques and canberra have completely destroyed the whole upperside of my town
ugh seriously
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be careful bon, it's painful and horrible
i've lost 3 bc i was dumb and stupid
diana i didn't particularly care for, marshal and fuchsia though man that was hard
almost lost tom there eep
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ah skye is so cute jesus
right jacques is in woo<3
its okay!
i'll keep an eye out for all your other dreamies too <3