Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline

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Have to log off TBT now, bye all, good luck with the dreamie finding! :D <3

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Awesomesauce ! How much did you have to pay!

My lovely friend MayorAvalon helped me with this also xD Avalon said that she will give the parts of the mush set she had, I told her I owe her so much and I gave three blue roses and a black rose. :):):):)
Have to log off TBT now, bye all, good luck with the dreamie finding! :D <3

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My lovely friend MayorAvalon helped me with this also xD Avalon said that she will give the parts of the mush set she had, I told her I owe her so much and I gave three blue roses and a black rose. :):):):)

Awesome deal!
oooo bon i hope you get marshal
i just checked her tumblr and it looks like something bad happened :(