Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline

Wah, can I ask a favour?
Willow's thread has Bunnie, but tonight I probably won't be on because I'm watching Thor.
If she goes up, I'd really appreciate it if one of you could grab her for me :|
Does this break the rules? I don't know, I can come and collect her whenever she's ready to move if you do take her<3 You don't have to cycle her out since I'd prefer to get her on my main after I finish my cycle for Fuchsia and Marshal DD:
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Wah, can I ask a favour?
Willow's thread has Bunnie, but tonight I probably won't be on because I'm watching Thor.
If she goes up, I'd really appreciate it if one of you could grab her for me :|
Does this break the rules? I don't know, I can come and collect her whenever she's ready to move if you do take her<3 You don't have to cycle her out since I'd prefer to get her on my main after I finish my cycle for Fuchsia and Marshal DD:

You mean take her into the cycling town? I can do that if she gets put up, yeah! c: <3
Oh, just a small problem... When's "tonight" for you? Dx because I have long driving lessons tomorrow and we're driving to another country, so we're leaving at 6 AM... which means I have to go to bed early :c
Tonight...well the movie's at midnight :|||| So I'll be leaving at like 9pm???? Which is in 9 hours :D
Tonight...well the movie's at midnight :|||| So I'll be leaving at like 9pm???? Which is in 9 hours :D

Oh I'm going to bed when you're leaving x____x!!

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By the way, the reason I'm not posting anyone in boxes is because only red villagers have been moving today ono
It's okay!! Willow cycles for a bit before I leave anyway, and I'll be there for that<3

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And Twilight stays up for ages (so do I actually)

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Bon, did you get Bruce in the end? :O

I don't know, he never answered me ono He might have gotten a better offer via PM...

By the way, Goldie is moving in from campsite!
Aw she's so cute
Well she's online right now, I'm sure she would've written if he was gone by then, maybe PM her? :)