Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline

I can't promise to get Ankha out tonight though guys ;~; Wolfgang has been staying since I got the game after all...
God I want shiny eevees e__e Normal eevees too tbh.

I have a pretty baby shiny Vaporeon! He's got max HP and DEF IV's and Bold nature, so it was a given that I make him a Vaporeon. c:
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Does anyone think i'd be able to trade Julian for Fauna/Diana/Kiki ? o.o I just want to know a rough estimate cause idk how popular he is ? I know he's quite popular but I just want to see <3 c:
I'm sure you can trade him for Fauna and Kiki, but I think Diana you'd need Julian and some millions of bells :)
Really? I thought Fauna would be more popular than Diana

I thought that too. I personally sold my Julian yesterday for 9mil + Merengue. So... You can probably get any of them, maybe not Fauna...?

You can definitely get Kiki.
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I really don't know but I've seen Diana go off for 50-80m each time..

Honestly I'm not sure I don't really look at the auctions I've only really looked at trades/cycling threads/people's dreamies etc. and I guess those are different all the time depending on what people like, but I guess I just always seem to see people going more crazy for Fauna I guess it could always just be depending on the post though. I have honestly no clue how much villagers are worth, I saw something I thought on the villager request board about offering 4.5m for Julian so to hear 50-80m for Diana as a real value is astounding, I wonder what people actually pay for Marshal or maybe I don't even want to know
Seriously, Diana is that popular??
I've got her randomly moving in both times I restarted my town and I'm just keeping her because she's one of the few snooties I like ovo If the opportunity arises, maybe I'll sell her...

Julian went for 8mil when I auctioned him off, by the way.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Cookie is moving in from campsite!
Oh, gu~uys?


Ankha is in boxes!