Bookful of Bugs (Melon Ballers and Poliwags Cabins)

I wanted to practice using Illustrator, so I drew a Blue Weevil Beetle :]


My name is at the bottom, realised its kinda small.
Here is a honey bee for you all! 😊🐝

I wanted to draw something vaguely anatomically correct, but in doing that, I had to know what exactly makes up a honey bee. So, please enjoy my honey bee, with some additional fun facts!

Beeeees by Sj 20210819.png

🐝 A few more fun facts:
  • Honey bees have five eyes! The two obvious eyes are called compound eyes, and they have three additional “simple eyes”, or ocelli!
  • Nectar provides carbohydrates and pollen provides protein. While adult bees primarily eat nectar, pollen is collected and processed into “bee bread” to provide protein to young, growing bees!
  • When harvesting nectar, bees store nectar in their second stomach, or nectar sac. When the nectar sac is full, the bee returns to the hive to pass the nectar onto worker bees in the hive. Stomach enzymes help to digest the sugars, and the bees reduce the moisture content and store the honey!
here’s my attempt at the great purple emperor!

my design is slightly different from the one in-game, but i couldn’t resist trying to recreate the design of one that i saw online. 😅💙

this lil guy is,,, very unsymmetrical, and its body looks like a lumpy man wearing shoes LOL, but i tried my best. :’)


here’s my attempt at the great purple emperor!

my design is slightly different from the one in-game, but i couldn’t resist trying to recreate the design of one that i saw online. 😅💙

this lil guy is,,, very unsymmetrical, and its body looks like a lumpy man wearing shoes LOL, but i tried my best. :’)


I can't unsee the man with antennae sporting yellow shoes. It's MOTHMAN!
Very cute! However, can you add your name to the drawing and edit your post with the revised version? I can accept your entry afterwards!
aaaah sorry i forgot!!! i've edited it with my name :•)