I recently wrote this description regarding my issues when it comes to relationships. And someone pm'd me saying they had BPD and could relate heavily to what I wrote. I decided to read up on BPD a bit more and I noticed I related a lot to some of the symptoms/descriptions. I struggle with overwhelming emotions, extreme anger, I have been physically violent in past relationships. I have threatened suicide/self-harm. I have fears of abandonment. I struggle with my identity of self. And I both over value my partner/de-value them. Sometimes I feel like I legitimately hate them at times. Does this sound like I might have bpd? I know this isn't an official diagnosis or anything. But I'm curious if any of you who are diagnosed with BPD relate to my description at all. Btw, I don't get like this with friends/family. But then again, I am not that close with my friends/family. So that could be the reason why.
(Some background information on my mental health. I suffered from anorexia when I was 13-14 but have long since recovered.)
I have noticed a pattern with myself when it comes to romantic relationships. I am extremely sensitive to how my partner perceives me. I am really clingy when it comes to my partners. And when my clinginess goes unreciprocated I start feeling extremely rejected by my partner. I start to feel unloved, and unwanted. And when I feel that my partner doesn't love me, I start feeling an overwhelming sense of worthlessness which effects my perception on every other aspect of my life.
At this point, anything can happen with me. I can start being extremely toxic to my partner. I also sometimes push them away, threaten breaking up, and overall just reject them before they can reject me. Sometimes I will self harm. Sometimes I will stop eating. Sometimes I will contemplate suicide. All of this is because I feel unwanted and unloved and rejected by my partner.
I'm not sure why I am like this... I want to love and be loved more then anything else in the world. I value my partner more then anything. So when I feel rejected by them... It's like everything just snaps. I literally become delusional, you can't rationalize with me. And sometimes I lose my grip with reality. I am not like this in any other aspect in my life. It is only towards a romantic relationship. I believe it's due to the fact I value my partner more then all else. Because of how much I value them, their actions have a significant impact on my mental state of mind.
I'm not sure what I should do. I'm currently in a wonderful relationship, and I've felt loved this entire time up until very recently. He's been busy gaming constantly the past month, and the amount of time and effort he dedicates towards me has been significantly dwindling. I had 2 episodes with him the past week, and now I'm scared this cycle is just going to continue again. After my 2 episodes, I finally started to think more rationally. And I let him know how much of an impact his actions have towards my mental state. He agreed that he has been very spotty with me lately, and said he will try to make some time for me each day.
As long as he follows through with this, I know I'll be happy and fine again. But... The fact I even get this way with a romantic partner in the first place is extremely concerning... I don't want to be like this with him, or anyone else for that matter... But I'm not sure what I can do to prevent how I feel. No matter how I try rationalizing this, when I get in that state... I lose sight of all else.
As for self esteem mine used to be extremely low, but I have been working on it. For the most part I value myself, I am happy with who I am as a person. And I value my life. But that is only when I'm in a normal state of mind. When I start feeling rejected/unloved all the progress I have made towards myself gets completely surmounted. I go from wanting to live, wanting to be happy, and wanting to have a good life and future, to suicidal and hopeless in an instant. That's how much of an effect they end up having on me...
I can strongly relate to this.
I used to do this, but rather with my friends than partners. If I felt like my friend (who I felt was my best friend in the whole wide world, but had friends who were better than me) was pulling away from me, not wanting to be friends with me anymore or seeing other friends more than he sees me, I would get extremely possessive. I always thought he was plotting behind my back. I would lash out at him, threaten him, tell him to kill himself, tell him that I was going to kill myself because I felt like I just wasn't good enough. I would self mutilate, attempt suicide, drink alcohol and do drugs (i nearly typed "drink drugs and do alcohol" lmao) and even stop eating if I felt regected. Sometimes I would be triggered into this behavior if he didn't reply to my texts. Eventually I screwed it all up with him and everyone in my grade hated me because they spread rumours about me.
As someone with BPD, I feel like you may have BPD as well.