Brag About Yourself

well i don't normally brag, but i finally have the chance to, im a pretty good artist for someone aged 14, smarter than the average child, faster than the average child, and sing pretty well.

sorry everyone
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I guess I'm pretty good at writing, and people tell me I'm good at drawing but I don't know if I believe them or not. I think I'm okay at drawing but I'm nowhere near the level that I can fully be satisfied with anything I've drawn. Other than that, I don't really know. I'm kind of socially awkward so not many people have anything nice to say about me, but I like to think I'm a good listener and I try my best to help people out, even if my best isn't always enough.

Although sometimes it's nice to be underestimated because when I go all out, once in a while I get that satisfaction of totally blowing someone away. I once made my dentist cry because of my thoughtfulness when he was having a bad week and I've never forgotten how good it felt to make someone that happy. All I did was give him a little trinket I'd made with Perler Beads, but it made him so happy that he was actually crying when I put it in his hand.

Because of my quiet nature, people often believe I don't think about them when in truth, I think about everyone, even people I've only met once in my life. I'm always hoping the best for those going through hard times, even if I'm incapable of actually helping out, and I try to see the best in everyone, whether or not they are unpleasant to be around.