Breasts: Discussion, Rant, and Learn


Community Manager
Mar 9, 2014
Hey guys. I wanted to make this thread so those of us with breasts have a place to discuss them, whether it's a frustration, illness, or otherwise. It should go without saying that anything of a sexual nature has no place here, but I'm sure we've all been annoyed by our breasts at one point or another, or perhaps have had a question or concern that we aren't comfortable discussing with people IRL.

For me, I have a condition called fibrocystic breast disease, so I have small cysts in my breast tissue at all times. Occasionally one will swell up with fluid and cause severe pain, pressure, and swelling, and that's what I'm dealing with right now. This particular cyst is so large the actual appearance of my breast has changed in the span of about 24 hours, so this one is going to require a trip to my breast doctor later today who will end up doing a needle aspiration and draining the fluid. The process is pretty uncomfortable and there's always a lot of anxiety associated with someone stabbing a large needle into one of the most sensitive areas on your body, but hey! At least the pain will be gone and my breast will look normal again.

Anyone else here deal with cysts or other abnormalities? Bad PMS swelling? Had an augmentation or other breast surgery? Discuss all things breast-related here.
Whoa..damn that must be exhausting so I wish you the best of luck <3

I used to have pretty bad swelling and crap PMS in general before I went on the pill so I'm glad that is gone counting back from when I started. Glad I have no other issue with them but they sure can be annoying when they are a bit large for my body, too.
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I don't have anything wrong with mine but sometimes they itch and it's always awkward to try to scratch it in public without looking weird. That goes for a hair down your shirt that rests in between them. Picking that out in public discreetly is so hard.
I cant go jogging unless I wear like 5 sports bras ugh can I just cut them off
Just wanted to add this, and don't know if it's considered sexual or not, but the societal emphasis on big breasts being more attractive is so damaging. I'm a B cup and am absolutely ashamed of having smaller breasts. They look so out of place. I even asked my boyfriend if he wished they were bigger and he agreed (please don't tell me i should break up with him, we worked it out. he doesn't really have a proper filter and i've learned to accept that). either way, it seems like every person you ask is only attracted to bigger breasts :(

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Also does anyone else get really bad acne on their breasts?? I feel like everywhere (especially around the nipple) is covered in blackheads and it's annoying!
ugh can I just cut them off

Me, mine are definitely not as small as they should be since I'm thin... Although since I don't really have any legit reasons and they are not awfully big I don't really have the funds for it lol
so i'm a guy... but I work with a breast center, where people have mammograms and such, and I facilitate genetic testing for people based on their family history of like breast cancer and the like. Things like BRCA1 and BRCA2 if you've heard about it. If anyone has any questions about breast cancer / risk, feel free to respond and like my post, or if its more personal you can PM me. I'm a genetic counselor if that makes sense to someone (but usually doesn't hence why i just explain it).

This is a little tangential to Oblivia's post, but figured I would put it out there if someone does have breast cancer related questions, family history, etc.
For me, I have a condition called fibrocystic breast disease, so I have small cysts in my breast tissue at all times. Occasionally one will swell up with fluid and cause severe pain, pressure, and swelling, and that's what I'm dealing with right now..

That must be awful to deal with, so sorry :(
I've personally never had to deal with any pain, though I have had small areas where there will be a swelling of fluids and once it drains it leaves spots that a red/purple color. I've had two or three and they've only been on the left side. Haven't had any in the last few months, it's like they came up out of nowhere and stopped appearing shortly after. Idk but I'm not worried about it now.

Also, another big issue is that breast cancer runs in my family. One of my great aunts recently had a double masectomy and I think my mom is planning on having the same procedure done soon. I don't see myself having this done but there's always that cancer risk and it worries me a bit.

Also also @duckykate I feel that lol, running/jogging is the worst unless I'm wearing a sports wrap around my chest xDD

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Just wanted to add this, and don't know if it's considered sexual or not, but the societal emphasis on big breasts being more attractive is so damaging. I'm a B cup and am absolutely ashamed of having smaller breasts. They look so out of place. I even asked my boyfriend if he wished they were bigger and he agreed (please don't tell me i should break up with him, we worked it out. he doesn't really have a proper filter and i've learned to accept that). either way, it seems like every person you ask is only attracted to bigger breasts :(

Yeah this is suuuuper annoying. I'm a C cup and because I'm ace I get really nervous when there's any situation at all in which someone might be sexualizing my body. Hence why I often wear baggy clothes, crew neck shirts, long pants, etc. That's prob part of the reason why I've never dated anyone, because there is an aspect of physical attraction to a relationship and I've just never had that in me lmao

I wouldn't be embarrassed if I were you, that's just the way you are and people should accept you for you, even if they are your bf :)
honestly, i have stretch marks on mine- i guess they grew too fast? thankfully they are starting to fade as they grow a bit more
another thing is one time i was wearing a bra and the wire came out and kept stabbing me in the chest all day- most irritating thing especially since i wasn't going to be home for a while
society might worship bigger breasts but i've wished my whole life for a reduction. i've honestly thought i've had body dysphoria because of my chest in the past, they don't suit my frame, they're big and ugly. i can't/won't look in the mirror topless and i find it really difficult to not wear a bra, even if i'm sleeping, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

in terms of my actual breasts i only really get swelling/discomfort during my period and it's not too bad, it's mostly the physical appearance of them i absolutely hate, i envy girls with small breasts
While I am not a girl, I have been gaining quite a lot of weight so my man boobies are starting to form. I have bene dieting and exericsing to stop the inevitable but I feel like my metabolism isn't as good as it was a year ago.

I don't know if this is apprioate for this kind of thread, I apologize. I hope you feel better, Oblivia.
@Oblivia that sounds like a nightmare and I'm sorry you have to deal with that. :(

As for the TMI on my own chesticles, I have pretty big ones and honestly I'm cool with that. I like em' that way. My biggest issues are the acne/scars I constantly get between them and the fact that they don't sell cup sizes big enough for me in department stores so I have to special order bras off amazon, and that gets expensive fast.

I've also been losing weight since I started intermittent fasting and now I have to deal with stretch marks and sagginess in addition to the fact that my expensive bras are starting not to fit any more, so that's fun.

I would encourage any and all mammary owners to head on over to r/abrathatfits on reddit. They have an awesome bra size calculator and several in-depth fitting guides to get you in a perfect bra for your size/shape. Worked for me. :)
Oblivia, I'm sorry. I have a friend who goes through the same thing, so I have an understanding of how difficult it is.

I used to get extreme tenderness around my cycle. Even being on the pill didn't help. One more reason to be thankful for menopause, I guess.

As a well-endowed gal, not such a fan of gravity. And, regardless of size, can we all agree that mammogram machines are positively medieval?
I'm flat-chested and super insecure about it cos people have always put me down for it. Also it's hard to look good in dresses or outfits that I like. They hurt pretty bad when I'm about to have my period but other than that they're never uncomfortable so that's good
I'm sorry you go through that Oblivia. That sounds very painful and tedious. I just can't imagine how that feels like.

While I don't have a problem what I have started to hate is finding the perfect bra for me. While I was younger it wasn't a problem until eventually a couple of years back. I started to realize how a B cup is a very common size so I either can not find my size or a style that I like. I personally hate push up bras since they make yout boobs look bigger so avoid them like plague even if they look cute. I just go for t shirt bras but still now I've gone for no wire since bras are just making me feel uncomfortable now which sucks.

I don't have anything wrong with
mine but sometimes they itch and it's always awkward to try to scratch it in public without looking weird. That goes for a hair down your shirt that rests in between them. Picking that out in public discreetly is so hard.

Oh god I hate when that happens specially during the summer.

Just wanted to add this, and don't know if it's considered sexual or not, but the societal emphasis on big breasts being more attractive is so damaging. I'm a B cup and am absolutely ashamed of having smaller breasts. They look so out of place. I even asked my boyfriend if he wished they were bigger and he agreed (please don't tell me i should break up with him, we worked it out. he doesn't really have a proper filter and i've learned to accept that). either way, it seems like every person you ask is only attracted to bigger breasts :(

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Also does anyone else get really bad acne on their breasts?? I feel like everywhere (especially around the nipple) is covered in blackheads and it's annoying!

Do you by any chance wear push up bras to make them look bigger? I'm the same size but there's time I wish I had smaller ones or there are days where I'm like thank god I don't have bigger ones. I've never had that situation with acne but I do get it on my chest and that really bothers me.
Oof, sorry you have to go throu that Oblivia, that sucks.

As what Noctis said, I have a hard time finding a bra that fits WELL. I used to wear a 36C or D but I must have been getting the wrong size, cause now I wear a 34C or B, depending on brand of bra and how well it fits, ect... I takes me SUCH a long time to find a bra that fits, even when I have a wide selection. Not only that but either 34C must be a very common or very obscure size because it always seems to be sold out in stores. Push up bras do nothing for me (not that I am trying to push my breasts up, they just don't have a noticable effect for me) and full coverage bras are so annoying, the sides can be seen throu Tshirt sleeves/armpits/other clothes like dresses or tank tops. ESPECIALLY tank tops which I wear alot of.

When I was younger I thought my breasts were big and didn't like them. Now that I'm older I realize they are on the smaller side which I'm okay with. What I'm not okay with is they aren't the same size. One is slightly bigger than the other, and someone was actually able to tell which one was when I was wearing a tank top and then a shirt over that tank top. So it wasn't even a skin tight shirt.

To make matters worse, I occasionally get acne on my chest between my breasts. So, yeah, acne is always fun. It isn't had enough that I got it all over my face and already have acne scars on my back :D (I'll prob get scarring on my chest as well).
y do boobs suck so hard??? like how do bodies mess up so bad that cancer is THAT likely in a specific part of the body...very exhuasting to stress out every time u feel a weird spot on a boob
hell yea dude!!! thats awesome!!! farewell and adios tiddies you WILL NOT be missed!