Breasts: Discussion, Rant, and Learn

Damn Oblivia I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with that- especially regularly.

Me and my chest have a love-hate relationship. On one hand... boobs! They're fun, I mean come on they are. But mine are quite large, and the PMS swell even more (so I'll think I've suddenly gone up a size when I'm just PMSing really bad). They also just- hurt a lot. Mainly when I'm PMSing but also during other times as well.

It doesn't help that I have mild dysphoria that sometimes gets really bad. I'm nonbinary-genderfluid and while I love my feminine side (I love dresses, for example.) I also don't want my chest to be so big and in the way. That's also a thing, it gets in the way. And it doesn't help that I'm fat either.
i honestly hate my breasts lmao. they?re far too big and saggy and they?re a pain to deal with; some days i really just want to chop them off because of how much i hate them :/
Ever since I had my IUD put in, it's been great, except from the absolutely horrible breast pain and swelling I get around my cycle. My periods are non-existant now so it's a fair trade, but my breasts get so sore and sensitive that even touching them is uncomfortable ;___;
Ugh. Honestly it's times like this where I feel like the things just do more harm than good.

Following up with what some of you have said, I have a few friends who have experienced body dysmorphia in some form due to their breast size and/or shape. A couple have done augmentations (which have turned out great) and they seem to be really happy with their choice and the end result. I'm a big advocate of going through with any procedure that'll make someone feel more comfortable in their own body, be it a breast removal, reduction, enlargement, or anything else. Self-confidence can be such a delicate thing sometimes and it's nice to know that those options are out there for people who want to pursue them.

As for my own issue, I had the cyst aspirated on Tuesday afternoon, where they removed 3 CCs of fluid. Now, I'd like to think of myself as something of a veteran of this procedure and feel like I pretty much know what to expect, so imagine my surprise when I woke up yesterday morning with a bright red breast that had enlarged by about 25%. I went in for a recheck today, and during the subsequent ultrasound was diagnosed with a hematoma in my breast tissue. Essentially I traded a large cyst for an equally large collection of blood from the procedure to aspirate the cyst, and my only option from here is to manage the pain with ibuprofen and warm compresses until my body reabsorbs the blood. While I do like the size and shape of my breasts, this condition can be such a downer and it's times like this that I'm left wondering why I have these things in the first place.

Anyway, that's /rant I suppose. Breasts can really be a drag sometimes!