bricklink vs real lego

what do you prefer building with

  • real lego

  • bricklink

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☆ dandori issue ☆
Nov 14, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Green Crescent Moon
Purple Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Green Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Flower Glow Wand
i don't know if i would have ever come across and download a software like bricklink before being introduced to it via the brick building bonanza event in the fairgrounds. i don't have a lot of lego and only have a few of the smaller creator kits (my favourite is the birthday clown and he lives on my desk!) i like that i get to keep what i make with real lego, but the possibilities felt endless with bricklink and i felt like i didn't need to hold back because all the pieces were at my disposal. i still think i prefer building with real lego cause it's taken me a bit of time to get used to the software (even though i'm not used to it at all, i felt super clumsy using it LOL)

so i guess my question is, what do you prefer building with, bricklink or real lego? also, if you've created anything else non-fair related with lego/bricklink feel free to share it here :3
I prefer building with real legos, but I’m open to using digital software if I want to use any brick to design a new set.
Real legos. I'm not into brick building at all and I'm procrastinating on this event because I need to install BrickLink but if I could I'd get a real Lego set instead because doing things in the real world makes me happier. :)
I had to use BrickLink for my event entry, however, I'd choose real Legos any day of the week. 🥲
I don't have Legos and had to use the BrickLink software to do my task. I am thankful it was provided as an alternative, but the more I used it the more I wished I drove to store to buy a box just for the event lmao. It was not user-friendly for me at all. The pieces would just go all over the place and it was hard to get them to snap together. It took a lot of tries as embarrassing as that is to say lol. Maybe it's not -Blue- friendly if everyone else didn't have issues with it, but I was struggling lol.
I never really bothered with legos back in the day, plus I don't know where any of my old ones are from anywhere in my house. I also never bothered trying out bricklink as I'm too lazy to do my entry. I know what I want to do with it, I just never found the motivation to do it.

But if I had to choose, I'll do bricklink. I'm not spending my money on something I'll only use once and never again.
I couldn’t be bothered to download bricklink so I just used real Lego for my entry, and reading these replies I’m glad I did 🤣
I had Legos when I was a child, but I wasn't into them for too long. As such, I had to download the BrickLink software for the current Brick Building Bonanza event.

I think BrickLink is neat and I might even play around with it some, just as a little way to pass the time, even after I finish my entry for this event. While it might be neat to build things out of actual physical Lego blocks and, like, put it on a shelf or something, I don't really feel like spending the money on buying them blocks.

So yeah, I'm voting for BrickLink.
unpopular opinion, but bricklink!
I was definitely so lost when I started using it, but the more I did the more I understood how it worked 😅 The snapping part still annoyed me but overall it felt soooo fun having so many pieces to play around with. I was soooo amused that I could use any size of legos in any color; bricklink in itself felt like a digital canvas but insteas if pixels, it was lego pieces!

I’m not super into real legos, they’re hella expensive and I’d rather be displaying many other things over legos, but I did have fun building designs with bricklink! c:
I had never heard of BrickLink until the TBT Fair. I'm not a Lego fan, but I did enjoy playing around with the BrickLink software! 🙂
I think I like the feel of actually playing with real Legos, so even though I haven't used the program BrickLink I'll still have to say that classic Legos are my favourite 😌
i’m not a fan of either, but i think i would find real legos easier (at the very least)! bricklink had me confused and it took me many days to finish my brick building entry orz
Actual Legos since those are the only ones I’ve used before. Unfortunately I don’t have a computer T_T
Definitely real lego. I never had any as a kid but I’ve always loved building things with my hands and the satisfying way the bricks click together is just too good to pass up. For the event I used the software though as I don’t have enough Lego bricks to make something out of.
bricklink stressed me out so much 😭 I was such a Lego kid so give me real Lego any day
Ok i actually voted bricklink! It had a steep learning curve for me, but when i finally got the hang of it, it was pretty decent.

One issue- the controls. I kept accidentally picking up the baseplate. And the umbrellas! I put the stand out, then after an hour of trying to put the umbrella top on without it floating way up high, i found the "move" option, which let me just lower the umbrella top onto the stand. Oh- and figuring out the balloons. 🙄

But after getting the hang of it, for designing, there's really a ton of bricks/ items to use, with all the color options, way more than i could afford to buy. So I did come to like it. Eventually.