Brushing your teeth in the shower?

Do you brush your teeth in the shower?

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Aug 27, 2017
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So I always brush my teeth in the shower because I think it saves time. I do it while the conditioner soaks into my hair cos it has to sit for 5 mins. My sister constantly bullies me and says it's gross and I should just do it at the sink : ((( what do u guys think?
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I dunno, it's probably gonna be a bit weird for me cause we have a bathtub shower but if you have like a cabin it makes more sense? I don't judge though it seems pretty practical in terms of saving time.
Lol what I've never even heard of that before lol
Though I have washed my dishes in the shower before so I guess I'm equally weird lmaooo

But seriously, I always brush my teeth at the bathroom sink right before I go somewhere or before I go to bed. Love me some pearly whites :p
I floss and brush at the sink. I like to watch what I'm doing and the control freak in me won't allow for blind brushing, at least for the more intricate parts of the whole thing.

I also tend to brush for a longer time, so I'll occasionally pace back and forth across the bridge walkway in my top story during the midpoint of my whole routine. Makes it more fun!
How do you brush your teeth in the shower?? What?? I find it hard to multitask as is already and end up shampooing my hair twice sometimes cuz I'm too deep in thought lol. I cannot fathom brushing my teeth in the shower though like good god I'd rather jump off a cliff. XD
I brush them at the sink because, like Oblivia, I like to be able to see what I'm doing. I'd also be a bit grossed out if I was spitting all my toothpaste on the shower floor :p
I brush my teeth at the sink. I've never even considered brushing them in the shower. I do enough stuff in the shower already and take really long showers as it is. Plus, I only use hot water in the shower and cold water for brushing my teeth. It's just not something I could ever see myself doing.
Omg I brush in the shower too, although I also have a toothbrush at the sink so I do both. I do the same thing as you actually. I brush my teeth while my shampoo soaks (also for 5 mins lol), then I just clean off everything at once and clean out the shower at the end lol. My friend does this too so I didn’t think it was a weird thing.
I do both!! It depends if I'm in a rush or something hahaha! I used to brush my teeth in the shower a lot back then, now I'm usually brushing my teeth at the sink. I don't think it's weird, my entire family does it so I always saw it as a normal thing LOL
Lol i do the SAME thing, I always brush my teeth by the sink in the morning when I wake up but I brush them in the shower at night because I shower every night and I keep conditioner on my hair for at least 3 minutes so meanwhile I'll just...brush my teeth lol. And wash other body parts
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I dunno why I found the thread title funny, but I've never brushed my teeth in the shower lol. In fact, never really thought to do it before. I don't find it disgusting, I mean each to their own. As long as you wash yourself off afterwards, then what difference does it make? You're not harming anyone else.
I voted other because I brush my teeth while doing sick skateboard flips outside. Awwwww yeah :cool:

I brush my teeth at the sink...
Haha, that question reminded me of that one scene from Malcolm in the Middle where the father would do just that because his alarm clock was set up in advance thinking he would be late for work and then rush through everything.

Anyways, I wouldn't do that. I'd always eat my food first, brush my teeth, then take a shower. I don't wanna get soap in my mouth.
I would probably drop my toothbrush in the bath with the soap and all, so no. Besides, I like using the mirror while brushing to make sure I'm doing a good job.
You brush in the shower? Super weird, but ok. Never heard of something like that before so surprised that there are four votes for it.
wheres the toilet option...lmao jk

i have brushed my teeth on the toilet in the morning when im running super late because im trying to knock 2 birds with one stone, do my morning pee while brushing my teeth lol
I brush mine at the sink; it just works better for me.
If I had a need otherwise, I would not be opposed to brushing them elsewhere.
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