aaaaaaaaaaaahhh omg i love her so much THANK YOU share me like 0.1% of ur art skill pls T_T@Mikaiah your little chibi is ready!hope you like her .///. please pm me your email address so i can send the full size files!
View attachment 329842
Oooh!!! It looks so cute!!!
OHHHHH MY GOOOOOOD it's so freakin cute!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!@Jade_Amell she's finished!!! i'll email you the files >w< i hope you like her!!thank you for your patience and support!!
View attachment 337928
Your art style is sooo adorable -- I want to squish all the chibis~ :3 Would love to commission you sometime in the future once you're back open (I also need to be careful with my spending in The Museum). Have a great day/night wherever you are!
OHHHHH MY GOOOOOOD it's so freakin cute!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!
Yay, I love appreciating high-quality art and skilled artists~ :3 I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for your art giveaway -- thanks so much for the heads up! ❤aaaaaaa thank you SO MUCH for your words it makes me so happy!!! i'm planning to do an art giveaway so you should keep an eye out for that if you'd like a free cheebhave a lovely day/night as well!!
Your art is insanely cute! I love it so much!