Shop [Buying] Rainbow Bunny Balloon [Selling] Some Things!

Unfortunately trading coins isn’t possible, but I’ll count up what I can potentially earn. I can probably get you a sheep or kitty plush though. I’ll keep you posted.
Ohh sorry I completely did not realise! But yes let me know, one dark sheep plush would be 26 coins, the other one I can probably get myself
Ohh sorry I completely did not realise! But yes let me know, one dark sheep plush would be 26 coins, the other one I can probably get myself

After looking through the events and doing some calculating I’ll be able to get you one of the plushies later on for sure. I’ll contact you once I’ve gotten the needed coins and we’ll work something out. Again sorry for missing your post earlier.
@Airysuit I have enough coins to buy you either a Ghost Kitty or Black Sheep Plush now. I’ve been selling to other members for 1250TBT each if that works for you please let me know. :)
If you don’t mind waiting for it (Thursday evening) I can get you one for sure with my Wish Token. I can also probably get you a second one once my remaining coins come in.
I don't mind waiting! I might not need the second one depending on how I do in the events
I don't mind waiting! I might not need the second one depending on how I do in the events

That works. Do you have a date in mind? I can redeem my wish token any time before Thursday night. Whatever date I redeem it at will become the date for the collectible.
That works. Do you have a date in mind? I can redeem my wish token any time before Thursday night. Whatever date I redeem it at will become the date for the collectible.
Any date and message is fine with me for it.