I’m interested in hearing everyone’s take on this. I have my original GameBoy COLOR and some of the games I used to have for it, including Pokemon Yellow, Silver, and Hamtaro (too bad I can’t find my copies of Gold and Crystal
). I used to have a GameBoy Advance SP, and I’m debating on whether or not to get one now. I will say that my sole reason for wanting to get one is to play the GBA Pokemon games that I never got around to playing as a teenager when I had my original GBA SP. I’ve looked at prices, and I’m a mix of surprised and not surprised to see them around the $250.00 mark, even though there has got to be little demand for them.
Here’s where you come in - would you say it’s worth it to buy a vintage console and games, being that essentially, they’re all the same game? The games that prompted this consideration are Pokemon LeafGreen, Ruby, Emerald, FireRed, Sapphire.