Giveaway cake? no it's a chocolate cake

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Well, I am a 80% scholarship girl, so maybe I find that natural since I'm used to private schools
I went to a university but hated living in dorms loool
I wouldn't want to wear a uniform everyday
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I wouldn't want to wear a uniform everyday

Public schools here still require uniform
just less strict though
were supposed to wear leather shoes and ties (for boys), but nobody does and the teachers and principal doesn't care, just for official stuff
Pffft community college is great. I went to one before I transferred. Best two years of my life.

it's so easy, and cheap. I get a ridiculous amount of financial aid and my classes are only like $60 for the whole semester (not including books)

I'm scared to transfer, I'm too comfy
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Public schools here still require uniform
just less strict though
were supposed to wear leather shoes and ties (for boys), but nobody does and the teachers and principal doesn't care, just for official stuff

Wow, i bet 70% of the guys here in my schools will be wearing that...totally wrong
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