Giveaway cake? no it's a chocolate cake

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it's so easy, and cheap. I get a ridiculous amount of financial aid and my classes are only like $60 for the whole semester (not including books)

I'm scared to transfer, I'm too comfy

That's completely true. It's so laid back and affordable
Wow, i bet 70% of the guys here in my schools will be wearing that...totally wrong

oh yeah, my school is co-ed and the girls are supposed to wear dresses, with the exception of sports uniform (shorts), but then tpagain, they all wear shorts and roll it up really high lmao
Public schools here still require uniform
just less strict though
were supposed to wear leather shoes and ties (for boys), but nobody does and the teachers and principal doesn't care, just for official stuff

yeah I am the worst when it comes to dress codes, I wear what I want lol

in middle school I went to to an arts school, people would show up wearing tutus or cosplaying
highschool was just as bad as it was good for me, but I'm so glad it's over simply because I hated waking up so early

just don't trust anyone and you'll be fine :lemon:
High School has been good so far
the only bad thing was when I was punched because some guy thought I was dating his crush lmao, I'm just friends with a lot of girls smh
glad he was weak tho xD
highschool was just as bad as it was good for me, but I'm so glad it's over simply because I hated waking up so early

just don't trust anyone and you'll be fine :lemon:
Ughguhg waking up early for like 7 hours of doing nothing. It was the worst.
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