Giveaway cake? no it's a chocolate cake

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highschool was just as bad as it was good for me, but I'm so glad it's over simply because I hated waking up so early

just don't trust anyone and you'll be fine :lemon:

High school = drama (according to various books/movies)
Ughguhg waking up early for like 7 hours of doing nothing. It was the worst.

it was torture I had so many absences because I couldn't wake up my teachers could have failed me if they really wanted to (LOL 25 absences......)

and WHY DID I EVEN TAKE HONORS it would have been better to take normal classes and get an easy A
High School has been good so far
the only bad thing was when I was punched because some guy thought I was dating his crush lmao, I'm just friends with a lot of girls smh
glad he was weak tho xD

u should've punched his baby maker
it was torture I had so many absences because I couldn't wake up my teachers could have failed me if they really wanted to (LOL 25 absences......)

and WHY DID I EVEN TAKE HONORS it would have been better to take normal classes and get an easy A
I did the same thing. Honors was such a bad idea.
it was torture I had so many absences because I couldn't wake up my teachers could have failed me if they really wanted to (LOL 25 absences......)

and WHY DID I EVEN TAKE HONORS it would have been better to take normal classes and get an easy A

Holy god, id get maybe 1 or 2...
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