Camp Bell Tree 2023 Has Started

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Crew 1, here we go!
Question: Is anyone having slow scrolling time with the new theme?
I'm having issues scrolling.
Yes, it's beautiful but sadly lagging pretty badly on my desktop. Which browser did you switch to, if I may ask?
Yes, it's beautiful but sadly lagging pretty badly on my desktop. Which browser did you switch to, if I may ask?
I was originally on Safari, where it was lagging. Are you on Safari as well?
I switched to my secondary browser, Google Chrome and its working fine there.
I was originally on Safari, where it was lagging. Are you on Safari as well?
I switched to my secondary browser, Google Chrome and its working fine there.
I’m laggy now, and I’m on Safari. I don’t recall having this issue when using Google Chrome on my laptop.
I was originally on Safari, where it was lagging. Are you on Safari as well?
I switched to my secondary browser, Google Chrome and its working fine there.
I'm actually using Google Chrome right now. The only other browser I really have on this computer is Firefox, so maybe I'll give that a try.

...Well, it also has Internet Explorer, but you know. It's Internet Explorer.
Safari lag should be resolved now. Sadly, we had to disable one of the effects on the stars to do so (thank you Apple), but you know at least the site will be usable!
Just gonna say that the lag is also fixed on my end. Since I was the only one with an issue on Chrome, I'm guessing it's my computer (as usual). Thanks for the fix!
Maybe it’s just me, but this new combo of dark colors + neon saturated red makes my eyes hurt/restricts ease of readability. Is there any way to switch to the standard theme?
I know colors affect people differently. I actually love this combo! I was pleasantly surprise when I logged in today to see the change. I hope we keep for a little bit anyway.
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