fecal sewage ♥
If someone is a man and believes he is a woman, I don't have a problem with it until he starts acting childish and getting mad at people for not calling him a woman.
If a man dresses as a woman and wants to be referred to as she/her then I respect that choice. But I don't like it when people get furious over someone calling them a man when they identify as a woman. That's just ridiculous.
And what about mental illness?
Well scientists say that being transgender is a chemical imbalance... So that's where the mentally ill term comes along.
I don't care what people do with their body. But I made this thread because I seen some ignorant, and some hostile agenders online, and some transgenders who had really invalid points.. I didn't really understand much and still don't. I'm just the type of person who wants to know how their thought process and decision making skills work. And to listen to other peoples opinions....
Some people do get very disrespectful but I'm not one of those people. I just don't change my mind, but I still respect people and their feelings, because if I was in their shoes I would want respect too.
Most people I see on youtube, I don't even know they're transgender women or men until they/someone else says something. So that is good that they're happy. But what if years down the road they regret it? Because I have seen videos of people who have regret their transitions. Probably because they masked their issues instead of dealing with them.
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