Can we keep this backdrop until xmas eve of 2023?

Who wants to keep this spectacular backdrop?

  • YES!!! As long as possible!!!!

    Votes: 42 47.2%
  • Nahhhhh I’m good

    Votes: 32 36.0%
  • Can we at LEAST keep it til Xmas?

    Votes: 15 16.9%

  • Total voters
The forum theme is so cute and better than the bright white snowy theme we get in the winter.
I love the fact that we can toggle our backdrop! Hopefully a little something for everyone.
I actually find it surprising that we can't opt to keep backdrops (both the actual forum skins and the personal backdrops we can buy). So much work goes into these aesthetics, it seems so wasteful that they are limited time than gone forever. 🥺
I really hope we have the option to get this theme in the future again. Or perhaps to keep. I would sacrifice some of my tbt for that alone
As much as I love this theme, I wouldn't want to keep it permanently. I love the seasonal and holiday themes too. And The Woods!!! Having the option to toggle between them whenever I wanted would be pretty cool, though.
This theme is really pretty, but I do love the novelty of having a different theme with different events. 💜✨️ The tree on the star background at night is particularly pretty. 💜
the current backgrounds and theme is great and really well done but i also agree that i probably wouldn’t want it permanently - though it wouldn’t be too bad with the toggle option - as think it would take away the novelty of having different themes to look forward to slightly