I'm afraid it is not that simple; my whole point was that dupers are everywhere (on these forums aswell), and because of that it is nearly impossible to not be affected by dupers.
What matters isn't whether or not one is affected. It's whether or not an unconsenting individual is
adversely affected. And you'll be damned to try and find proof that duping adversely affects others.
Besides, have you ever seen anyone on these forums, or actually any AC forums, that begin their thread by stating that they are dupers?
Well, when it's allowed, yeah actually.
The fact that certain items are expensive means that people that want to play the game "legit", or vanilla, whatever you like to call it, either have to spend an insane amount of time of grinding/selling turnips, whilst other people are abusing a glitch that wasn't even supposed to be there.
...I'm not seeing the problem here. I mean, I see a problem, in that people who are greedy way overprice items they have a monopoly on. But I don't see how duping contributes to this problem. If anything, it reduces it.
Which brings me to my next point, one that Lunatic brought to my attention:
To truly define how this game is supposed to be played is difficult, because this game places a lot of emphasis on playing this game together with your friends.
At that point, trading becomes a rather obvious way to exchange items with each others and help each other to get more desirable pieces of furniture and other items, and it has been this way for a while now.
If this wasn't how the game was supposed to be played, then why didn't Nintendo took out this "feature" a long time ago?
Because trading isn't a "feature" to begin with. Just like how in City Folk, "games" were not a feature. Yet the online community came up with ideas, based on how the game functioned, to do these kinds of things.
If trading was an intended feature, we would see something like we do now when it comes to games. An actual, official post to go to to engage in that activity. We would probably see something like Runscape's "Grand Exchange", where people could post items and search for items, and purchase them over wifi.
That's intending something.
But the trading we do now is wholly unintended by the programmers. It's simply the results of being able to drop and pick up items, which itself is the result of making sure the game doesn't glitch out if you try to pick up an item when your inventory is already full. It's entirely unplanned and unintended. This is further evidenced by the fact the game actually gives
in-game values for certain items. Values that are almost entirely ignored when dealing with the online trading community.
Trading simply is not an intended feature of the game, and buying something from someone else over the trading boards is just as much an exploitation of functionality as time travel, creating multiple characters, or duping.
Glitches on the other hand, are just that; glitches.
They are accidents, they weren't supposed to be there.
The fact that the online market depends on such a thing means that a lot of people are forced in one way or another to participate in this market, a market which wasn't supposed to exist in the first place.
There's a market for duping? I've never heard of such a thing.
You seem to be complaining about the prices of things at the market. How, exactly, are high prices the fault of duping? High prices existed
long before the duping glitch was uncovered. If you should be directing your complaints at anyone, it's the tyrants who wish to ban duping, so they can be a minority in possession of the majority of valuable resources, and charge insane prices for them. Capitalistic greed at it's finest.
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unfair in the sense that you can dupe complete sets and make tens of millions when time traveling still takes much more longer to do.
So inevitably your complaint comes down to some people not "waiting long enough"?
What an incredibly inane objection.
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Everyone to their own, I personally see it as cheating. It ruins the game for me.
Although, I have the same opinion as most of the people on here, those who have a difference of opinion are entitled. It shouldn't be spoken about on here if I'm quite honest as we're a well known community and don't want the name besmirched by those who wish to duplicate items
1) Not all opinions are of equal merit.
2a) Besmirched? How in god's name is the website's name "besmirched" by allowing people to discuss duplicating?
I mean, you do realize, people are still duping, even with the ban, yes? Just instead of discussing it here, they'll open up an offsite chat or something, and talk about their plans to dupe there. But those people are still members of this website, they are still members of this community, and they still come to sell their wares here.
Honestly, what are you actually preventing by banning the discussion of duplicating? It's like the ridiculous "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law that the American government had just a short while ago. It doesn't actually
change anything, other than the level of openness these people can experience.
2b) Who, exactly, are we holding a reputation up to? Who are we trying to impress? Ourselves?
of which wasn't intended for their region
So you're saying people who were not lucky enough to be born in the right part of the globe, do not deserve certain items, and are not playing "legitimately" if they seek to get those items?
Again, **** legitimacy then. I don't give a damn about some arbitrary standard some snob decides to come up with. I care much more about
enjoying my game.
or do not wish to play the game correctly.
There is no "incorrect" way to play a non-competitive video game.